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We present URDF, an efficient reasoning framework for graph-based, nonschematic
RDF knowledge bases and SPARQL-like queries. URDF augments
first-order reasoning by a combination of soft rules, with Datalog-style
implications, and hard rules, in the shape of mutually exclusive sets of facts.
It incorporates
the common possible worlds semantics with independent base facts as
it is prevalent in most probabilistic database approaches, but also supports
more expressive, probabilistic first-order representations such as Markov
Logic Networks.
As knowledge extraction on theWeb often is an iterative (and inherently noisy)
process, URDF explicitly targets the resolution of inconsistencies between the
RDF base facts and the inference rules. Core of our approach is a novel
and efficient approximation algorithm for a generalized version of the Weighted
MAX-SAT problem, allowing us to dynamically resolve such inconsistencies
at query processing time. Our MAX-SAT algorithm has a worst-case running
time of O(jCj jSj), where jCj and jSj denote the number of facts in grounded
soft and hard rules, respectively, and it comes with tight approximation
with respect to the shape of the rules and the distribution of confidences of
they contain. Experiments over various benchmark settings confirm a high
and significantly improved runtime of our reasoning framework in comparison
to state-of-the-art techniques for MCMC sampling such as MAP inference
and MC-SAT.