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Hard real-time systems require tasks to finish in time. To guarantee the
timeliness of such a system, static timing analyses derive upper bounds on the
\emph{worst-case execution time} of tasks. There are two types of timing
analyses: numeric and parametric ones. A numeric analysis derives a numeric
timing bound and, to this end, assumes all information such as loop bounds to
be given a priori.
If these bounds are unknown during analysis time, a parametric analysis can
compute a timing formula parametric in these variables.
A performance bottleneck of timing analyses, numeric and especially parametric,
can be the so-called path analysis, which determines the path in the analyzed
task with the longest execution time bound.
In this paper, we present a new approach to the path analysis.
This approach exploits the rather regular structure of software for hard
real-time and safety-critical systems.
As we show in the evaluation of this paper, we strongly improve upon former
techniques in terms of precision and runtime in the parametric case. Even in
the numeric case, our approach matches up to state-of-the-art techniques and
may be an alternative to commercial tools employed for path analysis.