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This paper addresses the efficient processing of top-k queries in wide-area
distributed data repositories where the index lists for the attribute values
(or text terms) of a query are distributed across a number of data peers and
the computational costs include network latency, bandwidth consumption, and
local peer work. We present KLEE, a novel algorithmic framework for distributed
top-k queries, designed for high performance and flexibility. KLEE makes a
strong case for approximate top-k algorithms over widely distributed data
sources. It shows how great gains in efficiency can be enjoyed at low
result-quality penalties. Further, KLEE affords the query-initiating peer the
flexibility to trade-off result quality and expected performance and to
trade-off the number of communication phases engaged during query execution
versus network bandwidth performance. We have implemented KLEE and related
algorithms and conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation. Our evaluation
employed real-world and synthetic large, web-data collections, and query
benchmarks. Our experimental results show that KLEE can achieve major
performance gains in terms of network bandwidth, query response times, and much
lighter peer loads, all with small errors in result precision and other
result-quality measures.