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Many interesting problems in computer vision can be formulated as a
minimization problem for an {\em energy functional}.
If this functional is given as an integral of a scalar-valued weight function
over an unknown hypersurface, then the minimal surface we are looking for can
be determined as a solution of the functional's Euler-Lagrange equation.
This paper deals with a general class of weight functions
that may depend on the surface point and normal.
By making use of a mathematical tool called {\em the method of the moving
we are able to derive the Euler-Lagrange equation in arbitrary-dimensional
space and without the need for any surface parameterization.
Our work generalizes existing proofs, and we demonstrate that it
yields the correct evolution equations for a variety of previous
computer vision techniques which can be expressed in terms of our
theoretical framework.
In practical applications, the surface evolution which converges to a
solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation can be implemented using level
set techniques.
The well-known transition to a level set evolution equation,
which we briefly review in this paper, works in the general case as well.
That way, problems involving minimal hypersurfaces in dimensions higher than
which were previously impossible to solve in practice, can now be introduced
and handled by generalized versions of existing algorithms.
As one example, we sketch a novel idea how to reconstruct
temporally coherent geometry from multiple video streams.