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Natural phytoplankton from Lake Constance was
used for chemostat competition experiments performed at
a variety of dilution rates. In the first series at high Si:P
ratios and under uniform phosphorus limitation for all species,
Synedra acus outcompeted all other species at all dilution
rates up to 1.6 d-1, only at the highest dilution rate
(2.0 d- 1) Achnanthes rninutissima was successful. In the second
series in the absence of any Si a green algal replacement
series was found, with Mougeotia thylespora dominant at
the lowest dilution rates, Scenedesmus acutus at the intermediate
ones, and Chlorella rninutissima at the highest ones.
The outcome of interspeciflc competition was not in contradiction
with the Monod kinetics of P-limited growth of
the five species, but no satisfactorily precise prediction of
competitive performance can be derived from the Monod
kinetics because of insufficient precision in the estimate