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The constantly evolving Web reflects the evolution of society. Kno\-wledge
about entities (people, companies, political parties, etc.) evolves over
time. Facts add up (e.g., awards, lawsuits, divorces), change (e.g.,
spouses, CEOs, political positions), and even cease to exist (e.g.,
countries split into smaller or join into bigger ones). Analytics of the
evolution of the entities poses many challenges including extraction,
disambiguation, and canonization of entities from large text collections as
well as introduction of specific analysis and interactivity methods for the
evolving entity data.
In this demonstration proposal\footnote{A preview of the system is
available at http://evolution.mpi-inf.mpg.de/timelines/}, we consider
a~novel problem of the evolution of named entities. To this end, we have
extracted, disambiguated, canonicalized, and connected named entities with
the YAGO ontology. To analyze the evolution we have developed a visual
analytics system. Careful preprocessing and ranking of the ontological data
allowed us to propose wide range of effective interactions and data
analysis techniques including advanced filtering, contrasting timeliness of
entities and drill down/roll up evolving data.