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Motivation: Even for the amino acid motifs collected in the Prosite database there may be chance occurences as opposed to those occurences where the motif is involved in fold or function of a protein. With recent mathematical advances in assessing the significance of observing such a motif a particular number of times, we can now study the over- or under-representation of particular motifs in a complete genome and attempt to make functional deductions.
Results: We demonstrate that statistical over- or under-representation of motifs in complete proteomes may be an indicator of whether, in that organism, we are looking at chance occurrences of the motif or whether the occurrences are sufficiently numerous to suggest a systematic, and thus functionally important occurrence. This has important implications on databank annotations.
Availability: The complete dataset comprising the plotted statistics of 266 Prosite motifs on 42 proteomes is available at http://algo.inria.fr/nicodeme/proteomes/proteocomp.html. The software used to compute this data has been described by Nicodème (2000, 2001). They are available either by web access as mentioned in these articles or by direct request from Pierre Nicodème.