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  Fermi Observations of gamma-Ray emission from moon

Abdo, A. A., Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., Atwoo, W. B., Baldini, L., Ballet, J., et al. (2012). Fermi Observations of gamma-Ray emission from moon. Astrophysical Journal, 758(2): 758. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/758/2/140.

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Abdo, A. A.1, Author
Ackermann, M.1, Author
Ajello, M.1, Author
Atwoo, W. B.1, Author
Baldini, L.1, Author
Ballet, J.1, Author
Barbiellini, G.1, Author
Bastieri, D.1, Author
Bechtol, K.1, Author
Bellazzini, R.1, Author
Berenji, B.1, Author
Blandford, R. D.1, Author
Bonamente, E.1, Author
Borgland, A. W.1, Author
Bottacini, E.1, Author
Bouvier, A.1, Author
Bregeon, J.1, Author
Brigida, M.1, Author
Bruel, P.1, Author
Buehler, R.1, Author
Buson, S.1, AuthorCaliandro, G. A.1, AuthorCameron, R. A.1, AuthorCaraveo, P. A.1, AuthorCasandjian, J. M.1, AuthorCecchi, C.1, AuthorCharles, E.1, AuthorChekhtman, A.1, AuthorChiang, J.1, AuthorCiprini, S.1, AuthorClaus, R.1, AuthorCohen-Tanugi, J.1, AuthorConrad, J.1, AuthorCutini, S.1, AuthorD'Ammando, F.1, Authorde Angelis, A.1, Authorde Palma, F.1, AuthorDermer, C. D.1, AuthorDigel, S. W.1, AuthorSilva, E. do Couto E1, AuthorDrell, P. S.1, AuthorDrlica-Wagner, A.1, AuthorDubois, R.1, AuthorFavuzzi, C.1, AuthorFegan, S. J.1, AuthorFocke, W. B.1, AuthorFortin, P.1, AuthorFukazawa, Y.1, AuthorFunk, S.1, AuthorFusco, P.1, AuthorGargano, F.1, AuthorGehrels, N.1, AuthorGermani, S.1, AuthorGiglietto, N.1, AuthorGiommi, P.1, AuthorGiordano, F.1, AuthorGiroletti, M.1, AuthorGlanzman, T.1, AuthorGodfrey, G.1, AuthorGomez-Vargas, G. A.1, AuthorGrenier, I. A.1, AuthorGrove, J. E.1, AuthorGuiriec, S.1, AuthorHadasch, D.1, AuthorHays, E.1, AuthorHill, A. B.1, AuthorHoran, D.1, AuthorHou, X.1, AuthorHughes, R. E.1, AuthorIafrate, G.1, AuthorJackson, M. S.1, AuthorJohannesson, G.1, AuthorJohnson, A. S.1, AuthorKamae, T.1, AuthorKatagiri, H.1, AuthorKataoka, J.1, AuthorKnoedlseder, J.1, AuthorKuss, M.1, AuthorLande, J.1, AuthorLarsson, S.1, AuthorLatronico, L.1, AuthorLemoine-Goumard, M.1, AuthorLongo, F.1, AuthorLoparco, F.1, AuthorLott, B.1, AuthorLovellette, M. N.1, AuthorLubrano, P.1, AuthorMazziotta, M. N.1, AuthorMcEnery, J. E.1, AuthorMehault, J.1, AuthorMichelson, P. F.1, AuthorMitthumsiri, W.1, AuthorMizuno, T.1, AuthorMoiseev, A. A.1, AuthorMonte, C.1, AuthorMonzani, M. E.1, AuthorMorselli, A.1, AuthorMoskalenko, I. V.1, AuthorMurgia, S.1, AuthorNaumann-Godo, M.1, AuthorNolan, P. L.1, AuthorNorris, J. P.1, AuthorNuss, E.1, AuthorOhno, M.1, AuthorOhsugi, T.1, AuthorOkumura, A.1, AuthorOmodei, N.1, AuthorOrienti, M.1, AuthorOrlando, E.1, AuthorOrmes, J. F.1, AuthorOzaki, M.1, AuthorPaneque, D.1, AuthorPanetta, J. H.1, AuthorParent, D.1, AuthorPesce-Rollins, M.1, AuthorPierbattista, M.1, AuthorPiron, F.1, AuthorPivato, G.1, AuthorPoon, H.1, AuthorPorter, T. A.1, AuthorProkhorov, D.1, AuthorRaino, S.1, AuthorRando, R.1, AuthorRazzano, M.1, AuthorRazzaque, S.1, AuthorReimer, A.1, AuthorReimer, O.1, AuthorReposeur, T.1, AuthorRochester, L. S.1, AuthorRoth, M.1, AuthorSadrozinski, H. F. -W.1, AuthorSanchez, David2, Author           Sbarra, C.1, AuthorSchalk, T. L.1, AuthorSgro, C.1, AuthorShare, G. H.1, AuthorSiskind, E. J.1, AuthorSpandre, G.1, AuthorSpinelli, P.1, AuthorStawarz, L.1, AuthorTakahashi, H.1, AuthorTanaka, T.1, AuthorThayer, J. G.1, AuthorThayer, J. B.1, AuthorThompson, D. J.1, AuthorTibaldo, L.1, AuthorTinivella, M.1, AuthorTorres, D. F.1, AuthorTosti, G.1, AuthorTroja, E.1, AuthorUchiyama, Y.1, AuthorUsher, T. L.1, AuthorVandenbroucke, J.1, AuthorVasileiou, V.1, AuthorVianello, G.1, AuthorVitale, V.1, AuthorWaite, A. P.1, AuthorWang, P.1, AuthorWiner, B. L.1, AuthorWood, D. L.1, AuthorWood, K. S.1, AuthorYang, Z.1, AuthorZimmer, S.1, Author more..
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2Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_904550              




 Dates: 20122012-10-09
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/758/2/140
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astrophysical Journal
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Chicago, IL : University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 758 (2) Sequence Number: 758 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0004-637X
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828215_2