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  First Low-Latency LIGO+Virgo Search for Binary Inspirals and their Electromagnetic Counterparts

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, The Virgo Collaboration, Abadie, J., Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. (2012). First Low-Latency LIGO+Virgo Search for Binary Inspirals and their Electromagnetic Counterparts. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541: A155. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201218860.

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Author              
The Virgo Collaboration, Author              
Abadie, J., Author
Abbott, B. P., Author
Abbott, R., Author
Abbott, T. D., Author
Abernathy, M., Author
Accadia, T., Author
Acernese, F., Author
Adams, C., Author
Adhikari, R., Author
Affeldt, C., Author
Agathos, M., Author
Agatsuma, K., Author
Ajith, P., Author
Allen, B., Author
Amador Ceron, E., Author
Amariutei, D., Author
Anderson, S. B., Author
Anderson, W. G., Author
Arai, K., AuthorArain, M. A., AuthorAraya, M. C., AuthorAston, S. M., AuthorAstone, P., AuthorAtkinson, D., AuthorAufmuth, P., AuthorAulbert, C., AuthorAylott, B. E., AuthorBabak, S., AuthorBaker, P., AuthorBallardin, G., AuthorBallmer, S., AuthorBarayoga, J. C. B., AuthorBarker, D., AuthorBarone, F., AuthorBarr, B., AuthorBarsotti, L., AuthorBarsuglia, M., AuthorBarton, M. A., AuthorBartos, I., AuthorBassiri, R., AuthorBastarrika, M., AuthorBasti, A., AuthorBatch, J., AuthorBauchrowitz, J., AuthorBauer, Th. S., AuthorBebronne, M., AuthorBeck, D., AuthorBehnke, B., AuthorBejger, M., AuthorBeker, M. G., AuthorBell, A. S., AuthorBelletoile, A., AuthorBelopolski, I., AuthorBenacquista, M., AuthorBerliner, J. M., AuthorBertolini, A., AuthorBetzwieser, J., AuthorBeveridge, N., AuthorBeyersdorf, P. T., AuthorBilenko, I. A., AuthorBillingsley, G., AuthorBirch, J., AuthorBiswas, R., AuthorBitossi, M., AuthorBizouard, M. A., AuthorBlack, E., AuthorBlackburn, J. K., AuthorBlackburn, L., AuthorBlair, D., AuthorBland, B., AuthorBlom, M., AuthorBock, O., AuthorBodiya, T. P., AuthorBogan, C., AuthorBondarescu, R., AuthorBondu, F., AuthorBonelli, L., AuthorBonnand, R., AuthorBork, R., AuthorBorn, M., AuthorBoschi, V., AuthorBose, S., AuthorBosi, L., AuthorBouhou, B., AuthorBraccini, S., AuthorBradaschia, C., AuthorBrady, P. R., AuthorBraginsky, V. B., AuthorBranchesi, M., AuthorBrau, J. E., AuthorBreyer, J., AuthorBriant, T., AuthorBridges, D. O., AuthorBrillet, A., AuthorBrinkmann, M., AuthorBrisson, V., AuthorBritzger, M., AuthorBrooks, A. F., AuthorBrown, D. A., AuthorBulik, T., AuthorBulten, H. J., AuthorBuonanno, A.1, Author           Burguet-Castell, J., AuthorBuskulic, D., AuthorBuy, C., AuthorByer, R. L., AuthorCadonati, L., AuthorCagnoli, G., AuthorCalloni, E., AuthorCamp, J. B., AuthorCampsie, P., AuthorCannizzo, J., AuthorCannon, K., AuthorCanuel, B., AuthorCao, J., AuthorCapano, C. D., AuthorCarbognani, F., AuthorCarbone, L., AuthorCaride, S., AuthorCaudill, S., AuthorCavaglià, M., AuthorCavalier, F., AuthorCavalieri, R., AuthorCella, G., AuthorCepeda, C., AuthorCesarini, E., AuthorChaibi, O., AuthorChalermsongsak, T., AuthorCharlton, P., AuthorChassande-Mottin, E., AuthorChelkowski, S., AuthorChen, W., AuthorChen, X., AuthorChen, Y., AuthorChincarini, A., AuthorChiummo, A., AuthorCho, H. S., AuthorChow, J., AuthorChristensen, N., AuthorChua, S. S. Y., AuthorChung, C. T. Y., AuthorChung, S., AuthorCiani, G., AuthorClara, F., AuthorClark, D. E., AuthorClark, J., AuthorClayton, J. H., AuthorCleva, F., AuthorCoccia, E., AuthorCohadon, P.-F., AuthorColacino, C. N., AuthorColas, J., AuthorColla, A., AuthorColombini, M., AuthorConte, A., AuthorConte, R., AuthorCook, D., AuthorCorbitt, T. R., AuthorCordier, M., AuthorCornish, N., AuthorCorsi, A., AuthorCosta, C. A., AuthorCoughlin, M., AuthorCoulon, J.-P., AuthorCouvares, P., AuthorCoward, D. 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1Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              
2Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24010              


Free keywords: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics, astro-ph.CO,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, gr-qc
 Abstract: Aims. The detection and measurement of gravitational-waves from coalescing
neutron-star binary systems is an important science goal for ground-based
gravitational-wave detectors. In addition to emitting gravitational-waves at
frequencies that span the most sensitive bands of the LIGO and Virgo detectors,
these sources are also amongst the most likely to produce an electromagnetic
counterpart to the gravitational-wave emission. A joint detection of the
gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signals would provide a powerful new
probe for astronomy.
Methods. During the period between September 19 and October 20, 2010, the
first low-latency search for gravitational-waves from binary inspirals in LIGO
and Virgo data was conducted. The resulting triggers were sent to
electromagnetic observatories for followup. We describe the generation and
processing of the low-latency gravitational-wave triggers. The results of the
electromagnetic image analysis will be described elsewhere.
Results. Over the course of the science run, three gravitational-wave
triggers passed all of the low-latency selection cuts. Of these, one was
followed up by several of our observational partners. Analysis of the
gravitational-wave data leads to an estimated false alarm rate of once every
6.4 days, falling far short of the requirement for a detection based solely on
gravitational-wave data.


 Dates: 2011-12-272012-01-122012
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 13 pages, 13 figures. For a repository of data used in the publication, go to: http://dcc.ligo.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=P1100065 Also see the announcement for this paper on ligo.org at: http://www.ligo.org/science/Publication-S6CBCLowLatency/
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: arXiv: 1112.6005
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201218860
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy and Astrophysics
  Other : Astron. Astrophys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Berlin : Springer-Verlag
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 541 Sequence Number: A155 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0004-6361
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828219_1