Maximum-entropy production
Production principle
Fluctuation theorem
Global climate
The water balance on land plays a critical role in connecting key hydrological processes with climate and ecology. Over the last few years, several advances have been made in applying thermodynamic and optimality approaches to better describe Earth system processes in general, and the water balance on land in particular. Both concepts relate to the proposed principle of Maximum Entropy Production ( MEP), which states that complex systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium organize in a way such that the rate of entropy production-a measure of irreversibility-is maximized in steady state. MEP provides a foundation to understand optimality in hydrology at a fundamental, thermodynamic level that is applicable across a wide range of Earth systems beyond hydrology. This review describes the foundation of the water balance far from thermodynamic equilibrium and potential applications of MEP. Some of the objections to optimality and thermodynamics are discussed as well as its potential implications. Citation: Kleidon, A., and S. Schymanski ( 2008), Thermodynamics and optimality of the water budget on land: A review, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L20404, doi: 10.1029/2008GL035393. [References: 38]