Few HMD-based virtual environment systems display a rendering of the users own body. Subjectively,
this often leads to a sense of disembodiment in the virtual world. We explore the effect of being able
to see ones own body in such systems on an objective measure of the accuracy of one form of space
perception. Using an action-based response measure, we found that participants who explored near
space while seeing fully-articulated and tracked visual representation of themselves subsequently made
more accurate judgments of absolute egocentric distance to locations ranging from 4m to 6m away
from where they were standing than did participants who saw no avatar. A non-animated avatar also
improved distance judgments, but by a lesser amount. Participants who viewed either animated or static
avatars positioned 3m in front of their own position made subsequent distance judgments with similar
accuracy to the participants who viewed the equivalent animated or static avatar positioned at their
own location. I will discuss the implications of these results on theories of embodied perception in virtual