On March 7-8, 2008, cognitive and imaging neuroscientists from the Americas held a
workshop in Havana, Cuba, to launch the Latin American Brain Mapping Network (LABMAN); a
project allied to the International Organization for Human Brain Mapping established in 1993. The
LABMAN initiative is intended to formalize disparate collaborative threads into a Latin American
network via exchange of software, data, personnel, training and ideas through a coordinated network,
both organizational and electronic. In general, neuroscience and neuroimaging research in Latin
America is hindered by a lack of critical mass within any single country. By organizing these
communities at a supra-national level, LABMAN seeks to nurture brain mapping research at the
national level, acting as a catalyst for national programs. Furthermore, in this report, statuses of brain
mapping in different Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Cuba and Mexico) are
summarized. This is not meant to be an exhaustive report about neuroimaging work in these countries
but rather to underscore the potential of the region in the development and use of brain mapping as a
research and health tool. We are inviting research groups and individuals in Latin America not
represented currently to join LABMAN.