The cerebellar cortex shares a cortex-like organization with the cerebral cortex, with the optic tectum, with the retina, and with some ganglia of invertebrate brains. By cortex, the chapter means a piece of gray matter (essentially, an aggregate of synapses) in which it can easily define everywhere a vertical direction (histologically, not topographically, speaking!) with a certain synaptic organization, typical for each cortex, and a plane perpendicular to it, in which this organization is repeated, as it were, by apposition. The synaptic relations between different parts of the cortex are simply a function of metrical distance if the structure is (at least statistically) isotropic. In any particular region of the cerebellar cortex, the ratio, volume of the molecular layer: number of afferent and efferent fibers is approximately constant. This can be deduced from measurements of the surface of the molecular layer in a certain region and the cross section of the corresponding white core.