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  The Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation

Busemeyer, M. R., & Trampusch, C. (Eds.). (2012). The Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Busemeyer, Marius R.1, 2, Editor           
Trampusch, Christine3, Editor
1Institutioneller Wandel im gegenwärtigen Kapitalismus, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society, ou_1214549              
2University of Konstanz, Germany, ou_persistent22              
3University of Cologne, Germany, ou_persistent22              


Free keywords: skill formation systems, varieties of capitalism, liberal market economy, coordinated market economy, historical institutionalism, collective action, typologies, firms, intermediary associations, political parties
 Abstract: Education, skill formation, and training continue to be important areas of consideration for both public policy and research. This book examines the particular types of vocational training known as collective skill formation systems, whereby the training (often firm-based apprenticeships) is collectively organized by businesses and unions with state support and cooperation in execution, finance, and monitoring.With contributions from leading academics, this book is the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of the varying historical origins of, and recent developments in, vocational training systems, offering in-depth studies on coordinated market economies, namely Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Denmark. It also contains comparative chapters that analyze how these countries react to common challenges such as deindustrialization, labor market stratification, academic drift, gender inequalities, and Europeanization.Whereas previous research has focused on the differences between various kinds of skill regimes, this book focuses on explaining institutional variety within the group of collective skill formation systems. The development of skill formation systems is regarded as a dynamic political process, dependent on the outcome of various political struggles regarding such matters as institutional design and transformations during critical junctures in historical development.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2012
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: XXX, 359
 Publishing info: Oxford : Oxford University Press
 Table of Contents: Introduction
1. The Comparative Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation
Marius R. Busemeyer and Christine Trampusch

Section I: Country Studies
2. Political Institutions and the Origins of Collective Skill Formation Systems
Cathie Jo Martin
3. Institutional Change in German Vocational Training: From Collectivism towards Segmentalism
Kathleen Thelen and Marius R. Busemeyer
4. The Long Road to Collective Skill Formation in the Netherlands
Karen M. Anderson and Dennie Oude Nijhuis
5. Educational Policy Actors as Stakeholders in the Development of the Collective Skills System: The Case of Switzerland
Philipp Gonon and Markus Maurer
6. Austrian Corporatism and Institutional Change in the Relationship between Apprenticeship Training and School-Based VET
Lukas Graf, Lorenz Lassnigg, and Justin Powell
7. Continued Collectivism: The Role of Trade Self-Management and the Social Democratic Party in Danish Vocational Education and Training
Moira Nelson

Section II: Crosscutting Topics and Contemporary Challenges
8. Collective Skill Systems, Wage Bargaining, and Labor Market Stratification
Marius R. Busemeyer and Torben Iversen
9. The Link between Vocational Training and Higher Education in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany
Rita Nikolai and Christian Ebner
10. Gendered Consequences of Vocational Training
Margarita Estévez-Abe
11. Europeanization and the Varying Responses in Collective Skill Systems
Justin J.W. Powell and Christine Trampusch

Concluding Essay
12. Skills and Politics: General and Specific
Wolfgang Streeck
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: ISBN: 978-0-19-959943-1
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199599431.001.0001
 Degree: -



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