non-fermi liquid; quantum critical phenomena; YbRh2Si2
We present electrical resistivity (p) and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements on Ge-doped single crystals of the NFL compound YbRh2Si2. Upon producing the volume expansion (DeltaVsimilar or equal to + 0.3%) necessary to tune this material to its QCP, the low-temperature rho(T) data of YbRh2(Si0.95Ge0.05)(2) are found to follow rho(T) = rho(0) + bT over three decades in temperature. We compare the effect of A V to that produced by the application of hydrostatic pressure, and show that the linear temperature dependence is intrinsic to the proximity to the QCP and not due to disorder induced by Ge- alloying. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.