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  Correction : Loss of olfactory receptor genes coincides with the acquisition of full trichromatic vision in primates

Gilad, Y., Wiebe, V., Przeworski, M., Lancet, D., & Pääbo, S. (2007). Correction: Loss of olfactory receptor genes coincides with the acquisition of full trichromatic vision in primates. PLoS Biology, 5(6): e148. [V. Wiebe and S. Pääbo retracted authorship]. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050148.

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Date of Discard: 2023-01-10
Comment: Loss of Olfactory Receptor Genes Coincides with the Acquisition of Full Trichromatic Vision in Primates
Gilad, Yoav1           
Wiebe, Victor1           
Przeworski, Molly1           
Lancet, Doron
Pääbo, Svante1           
1Department of Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society, ou_1497672              
 Dates: 2007-06-12
Files: 1 File
Locators: 1 Locator
version ID: item_1922408_8
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Publications of the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Affiliated to: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology