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LoC Subject Headings: Delaware language, LoC Subject Headings: Iroquoian languages, LoC Subject Headings: Unami jargon
LoC Class: F167
sqn - Susquehannock
unm - Unami
An account of the earliest Swedish settlement in America compiled from manuscripts left by the author's grandfather and by Peter Lindstrom, an engineer and cartographer in the colony, and from oral sources
Book IV, p. 144-156, is a "Vocabulary and phrases in the American language of New Sweden, otherwise called Pennsylvania", and includes glossaries of words and phrases relating to religion, parts of the body, clothing, weather, animals and plants, numbers, and useful conversational phrases in the Delaware language.
Also contains "Discourses which took place at a council held by the Indians in 1645, on the subject of the Swedes and of New Sweden, in which their sachem or king, first speaks with his son, about calling the nation together" on p. 153-156
Addenda, p. [157]-166, includes "Of the Minques, or Minkus, and their language" on p. [157]-159 and gives a sizeable vocabulary of words and phrases and numerals in the Iroquois language
"A list of the Swedish families residing in New Sweden in the year 1693, with the number of individuals in each family": p. [164]-166
LoC Subject Headings: Indians of North America--Pennsylvania; Susquehanna Indians--language; Delaware Indians; Delaware language; Iroquoian languages; Unami jargon