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Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, astro-ph.HE
Hochenergie-Astrophysik Theorie - Abteilung Hofmann
The paper describes an explicit multi-dimensional numerical scheme for
Special Relativistic Two-Fluid Magnetohydrodynamics of electron-positron plasma
and a suit of test problems. The scheme utilizes Cartesian grid and the third
order WENO interpolation. The time integration is carried out using the third
order TVD method of Runge-Kutta type, thus ensuring overall third order
accuracy on smooth solutions. The magnetic field is kept near divergence-free
by means of the method of generalized Lagrange multiplier. The test
simulations, which include linear and non-linear continuous plasma waves, shock
waves, strong explosions and the tearing instability, show that the scheme is
sufficiently robust and confirm its accuracy.