Carrying a large, pure spin magnetic moment of 7 mu B per atom in the
half-filled 4f shell, divalent europium is an outstanding element for
assembling novel magnetic devices in which a two-dimensional electron
gas may be polarized due to exchange interaction with an underlying
magnetically-active Eu layer. Here we show that the Si-Rh-Si surface
trilayer of the antiferromagnet EuRh2Si2 bears a surface state, which
exhibits an unexpected and large spin splitting controllable by
temperature. The splitting sets in below similar to 32.5 K, well above
the ordering temperature of the Eu 4f moments (similar to 24.5 K) in the
bulk, indicating a larger ordering temperature in the topmost Eu layers.
The driving force for the itinerant ferromagnetism at the surface is the
aforementioned exchange interaction. Such a splitting may also be
induced into states of functional surface layers deposited onto the
surface of EuRh2Si2 or similarly ordered magnetic materials with
metallic or semiconducting properties.