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The quaternary Heusler compound Co2Mn1-xTixSn with x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5,
0.6, 0.8, and 1 shows a phase separation into the two Heusler compounds,
Co2MnSn and Co2TiSn. Only at the edges of the composition range a slight
admixture of Mn and Ti to the respective other phase is observed. This
phase separation leads to a distinct microstructure which can be altered
by the composition of the material. Pronounced changes in the magnetic
and electronic properties take place with varying composition. Two
magnetic transitions occur which indicate different Curie temperatures
for both phases. The reduction in the thermal lattice conductivity is of
particular interest for an optimization of Heusler compounds for
thermoelectric applications. In the field of spintronics the use of
superlattices composed of Co2MnSn and Co2TiSn without any interlayer
diffusion is suggested.