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In this paper, we review a large set of experimental data acquired over
the past decade by several groups, and demonstrate how it can be used to
construct a detailed picture of the low-temperature metallic state of
the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4. We show how the normal state
properties can be consistently and quantitatively explained in terms of
Landau quasi-particles moving on a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surface.
Besides presenting our full and extensive data sets, we explain the
details of some novel data analysis tools that can be used within the
general context of quasi-two-dimensional metals. We then use the
experimental Fermi surface and band dispersion to reassess several
issues relevant to the unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4, such
as the spin-fluctuation spectrum, quasi-particle renormalization,
interlayer dispersion and pressure dependence.