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  Global Political Economy and the Modern State System

ten Brink, T. (2014). Global Political Economy and the Modern State System. Leiden: Brill.

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ten Brink, Tobias1, 2, Author           
1Institutioneller Wandel im gegenwärtigen Kapitalismus, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society, ou_1214549              
2Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany, ou_persistent22              


Free keywords: Geopolitics / Philosophy / Capitalism / Globalization / International relations / Competition / Political aspects / Militarism / World politics / 1945-1989
 Abstract: -


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2014
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: XVII, 272
 Publishing info: Leiden : Brill
 Table of Contents: Acknowledgements
Bob Jessop
Organisation of the book
Part One: Periods of Theorising Conflict in the Modem State System
Introduction to Part One
I. Critical-Liberal, Marxist and Neo-Weberian Approaches
II. Power Politics and (Neo-)Realism within the Field of International
III. Deficits and Desiderata for Future Research
1. Neorealism and power politics
2. Critical approaches
3. Preliminary summary
Part Two: A GPE Framework for Explaining Geopolitics
N. Foundations for Analysing Capitalism
1. Analyses of the capitalist mode of production
1.1 Commodity production: Mutual dependence and competition
1.2 Commodity, money, capital: Exploitation and accumulation
brought on by competition
2. Structural features of capitalism
2.1 Critical social forms
2.2 Four features of capitalism
2.2.1. Wage labour relations - the vertical axis of capitalist social conflicts
2.2.2 Relations of competition - the horizontal axis of capitalist
social conflicts
2 .2 .2.1 Excursus: Negri's underestimation of competition
2.2.3 Money relations
2 .24 The individuation of the political and the plurality of individual states
2 .241 Structural interdependence and 'the interest of states in themselves'
2.2.42 The plurality of individual states
V. Capitalism as a Globally Fragmented System Across Space and Time
1. Combined and uneven development, relations of space and time,
and the 'international'
1.1 The need for a global analytical perspective
1.2 Combined and uneven development and the level of the international and the inter-societal
1.3 A spatial economy of contemporary capitalism
2 . The dynamic of the global economic process of accumulation
2.1 The inter- and transnationalisation of individual capitals, the
world market/world economy, and the tendency towards crisis
3. The dynamic of the international state system
3.1 Multi-statehood as a structural characteristic of capitalism in space
and time
3.2 International political institutions: the 'rights of the strong' and
'second-order condensations'
4- Considerations on various forms of competition
4-1 The dynamic of precapitalist imperialisms
4.2 Geopolitical and economic competition
4.3 Market competition, arms races and forms of geopoliticalmilitary
4.3.1 The role of the arms economy and the 'military-industrial
VI. Historical Phases of the World Order and the Periodisation of
Socio-Economic and Geopolitical Power Relations
1. Structural features, phases and constellations
1.1 Excursus: On the relationship between structure and agency
2 . Hegemonic and non-hegemonic phases of world order
3. Phases of socio-economic development
3.1 The rhythms of accumulation in the global economy
3.1.1 Dominant and late-developing economies
3.2 The inter- and transnationalisation of trade, investments, and production
3.2.1 The internationalisation and macro-regionalisation of
commodity trade and commodity sales
3.2.2 The inter- and transnationalisation of investments and production
3.2.3 On the inter- and transnationalisation of corporations Interim conclusion
3.24 Transnationalisation of classes?
3.2.5 Using the EU as an example of macro-regional integration
of power elites 'Internal bourgeoisies'?
3.3 Periodising money and currency relations
3.3.1 The contemporary, non-hegemonic currency system
4 Phases of statehood
41 The politicisation of the economic, the economisation of the
political: The ever-changing relations between the political and economic
4.1.1 Contemporary market-liberal statism
42 Phases of hard and soft geopolitics
4.2.1 Excursus: The economic effects of the geopolitical arms
race during the Cold War
4.3 The structure of capitalist state competition and the Soviet Union
4.3.1 The pressures of capital accumulation in the Eastern bloc
4.3.2 Soviet geopolitics
4.3.3 The East-West conflict: Consequences for theory building,
consequences for US politics
Part Three: Market-Liberal Statism: Contemporary Geopolitical Phenomena
Introduction to Part Three
VII. The Balance between Soft and Hard Geopolitics
i . 'Democratic wars'
2. Excursus: International law within fragmented capitalism
VIII. Geopolitical and Economic Competitive Relations
1. The aspirations and realities of US empire
2. The EU and the US: A conflict-laden partnership
3. China and the US: A new cold war?
3.1 State-permeated capitalist development
3.2 The integration of Chinese capitalism into a fragile world system
3.2.1 Currency disputes
3.3 China, international political institutions, and East Asian
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: ISBN: 978-90-04-26221-8
ISBN: 978-90-04-26222-5
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Historical Materialism Book Series
Source Genre: Series
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 63 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: - Identifier: -