Zero- and transverse-field muon-spin rotation (mu+ SR) spectroscopy, as
well as critical-field investigations were performed on the newly
discovered antiferromagnetic superconductor UPd2Al3. In contrast to the
situation in UNi2Al3, no spontaneous frequency could be observed in the
zero-field spectroscopy, suggesting a symmetric muon stopping site. The
coexistence between magnetism and superconductivity could unambiguously
be confirmed by the mu+ SR data. The magnetic-penetration depth
lambda(0) has been obtained from the increase of the mu+ SR line width
below T(c) and from the slopes of the critical field at T(c). The
results are compatible with a value of lambda(0) = (6250 +/- 1250) A and
suggest that UPd2Al3 is a BCS-type weak-coupling superconductor.