Quantum Physics, quant-ph, Condensed Matter, cond-mat.other
Research group J. Evers – Division C. H. Keitel
A promising platform for the emerging field of x-ray quantum optics are
Mössbauer nuclei embedded in thin film cavities probed by near-resonant x-ray
light, as used in a number of recent experiments. Here, we develop a quantum
optical framework for the description of experimentally relevant settings
involving nuclei embedded in x-ray waveguides. We apply our formalism to two
settings of current experimental interest based on the archetype Mössbauer
isotope 57Fe. For present experimental conditions, we derive compact analytical
expressions and show that the alignment of medium magnetization as well as
incident and detection polarization enable the engineering advanced quantum
optical level schemes. The model encompasses non-linear and quantum effects
which could become accessible in future experiments.