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Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, astro-ph.HE
Hochenergie-Astrophysik Theorie - Abteilung Hofmann
Recent IceCube results suggest that the first detection of very high energy
astrophysical neutrinos have been accomplished. We consider these results at
face value in a Galactic origin context. Emission scenarios from both the Fermi
bubble and broader halo region are considered. We motivate that such an
intensity of diffuse neutrino emission could be Galactic in origin if it is
produced from an outflow into the halo region. This scenario requires cosmic
ray transport within the outflow environment to be different to that inferred
locally within the disk and that activity in the central part of the Galaxy
accelerates cosmic rays to trans-"knee" energies before they escape into an
outflow. The presence of a large reservoir of gas in a very extended halo
around the Galaxy, recently inferred from X-ray observations, implies that
relatively modest acceleration power of 1039 erg s-1 in PeV energy
cosmic rays may be sufficient to explain the observed neutrino flux. Such a
luminosity is compatible with that required to explain the observed intensity
of cosmic rays around the "knee".