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The history of petroleum exploration in central Australia has been enlivened by vigorous debate about the source(s) of the oil and condensate found in the Cooper/Eromanga basin couplet. While early workers quickly recognized the source potential of thick Permian coal seams in the Patchawarra and Toolachee Formations, it took some time for the Jurassic Birkhead Formation and the Cretaceous Murta Formation to become accepted as effective source rocks. Although initially an exploration target, the Cambrian sediments of the underlying Warburton Basin subsequently were never seriously considered to have participated in the oil play, possibly due to a lack of subsurface information as a consequence of limited penetration by only a few widely spaced wells. Dismissal of the Warburton sequence as a source of hydrocarbons was based on its low generative potential as measured by total organic carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses. As most of the core samples analysed came from the upper part of the basin succession that has been subjected to severe weathering and oxidation, these results might not reflect the true nature of the Warburton Basin's source rocks. We analysed a suite of source rock extracts, DST oils and sequentially extracted reservoir bitumens from the Gidgealpa field for conventional hydrocarbon biomarkers as well as nitrogen-containing carbazoles. The resulting data show that organic facies is the main control on the distribution of alkylated carbazoles in source rock extracts, oils and sequentially extracted bitumens. The distribution pattern of alkylcarbazoles allows to distinguish between rocks of Jurassic, Permian and pre-Permian age, thereby exceeding the specificity of hydrocarbon biomarkers. While no pre-Permian signature can be found in the DST oils, it is present in sequentially extracted residual oils. However, the pre-Permian molecular source signal is diluted beyond recognition during conventional extraction procedures. The bitumens that are characterised by a pre-Permian geochemical signature derive from differing pore-filling oil pulses and exhibit calculated maturities of up to 1.6% Rc, thereby proving for the first time the petroleum generative capability of source rocks in the Warburton Basin.