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Osmoregulated transporters sense intracellular osmotic pressure and respond to hyperosmotic stress by accumulation of osmolytes to restore normal hydration levels. Here we report the determination of the X-ray structure of a member of the family of betaine/choline/carnitine transporters, the Na+-coupled symporter BetP from Corynebacterium glutamicum, which is a highly effective osmoregulated uptake system for glycine betaine. Glycine betaine is bound in a tryptophan box occluded from both sides of the membrane with aromatic side chains lining the transport pathway. BetP has the same overall fold as three unrelated Na+-coupled symporters. Whereas these are crystallized in either the outward-facing or the inward-facing conformation, the BetP structure reveals a unique intermediate conformation in the Na+-coupled transport cycle. The trimeric architecture of BetP and the break in three-fold symmetry by the osmosensing C-terminal helices suggest a regulatory mechanism of Na+-coupled osmolyte transport to counteract osmotic stress.