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  Hyperthermophilic and salt-dependent formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri

Shima, S., Thauer, R. K., & Ermler, U. (2004). Hyperthermophilic and salt-dependent formyltransferase from Methanopyrus kandleri. Biochemical Society Transactions, 32(2), 269-272.

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Shima , Seigo1, Author
Thauer, Rudolf K.1, Author
Ermler, Ulrich2, Author                 
1 Max-Planck-Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie and Fachbereich Biologie, Philipps-Universität,35043 Marburg, Germany, ou_persistent22              
2Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society, ou_2068290              


Free keywords: methanogenic Archaea; crystal structure; halophilic enzyme; hyperthermophilic enzyme; monomer/dimer/tetramer association equilibrium; site-directed mutagenesis
 Abstract: Methanopyrus kandleri is a hyperthermophilic methanogenic archaeon, which grows on H2 and CO2 as its sole energy source. Its growth temperature optimum is 98 degrees C. One of the interesting characteristics of this archaeon is its high intracellular salt content. The organism has been reported to contain the trianionic cDPG (cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate) and K+ at concentrations of 1.1 and 3 M, respectively. Reflecting the high cellular salt concentration, the enzymes in this organism are adapted not only to high temperature but also to high salt concentrations. The formyltransferase from M. kandleri was characterized extensively with respect to thermo- and halophilicity. The crystal structure of the formyltransferase at 1.73 A shows the enzyme to be composed of four identical subunits of molecular mass 32 kDa. The formyltransferase is thermostable and active only at relatively high concentrations of potassium phosphate (1 M) or other salts with strongly hydrated anions (strong salting-out salts). Potassium phosphate and potassium cDPG were found to be equivalent in activating and stabilizing the enzyme. At low concentrations of these salts, the enzyme is inactive and thermolabile. It was shown by equilibrium sedimentation analysis that the enzyme is in a monomer/dimer/tetramer equilibrium, the equilibrium constant being dependent on the concentration of salts: the higher oligomeric species increase with increasing salt concentrations. Evidence was provided that the monomer is both inactive and thermolabile. Experiments using a mutation which is directed to break surface ion pairs between two dimers indicated that dimerization is required for activity and tetramerization leads to thermostability.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2003-09-192004-04
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 4
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1042/bst0320269
PMID: 15046586
 Degree: -


Title: Thermophiles 2003
Place of Event: University of Exeter, UK
Start-/End Date: 2003-09-15 - 2003-09-19

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Project information


Source 1

Title: Biochemical Society Transactions
  Other : Biochem Soc Trans
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: London, UK : Portland Press, 2
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 32 (2) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 269 - 272 Identifier: ISSN: 0300-5127
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954925507337