22nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2002), Helsinki, 2002-09-09 to 2002-09-13
The power supply of the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak consists of 11 thyristor converter
modules which feed the poloidal field coils. All converters installed are powered by 10.5 kV
flywheel generators starting at a frequency of 110 Hz, running down to 85 Hz during a pulse. For
quasi-stationary advanced tokamak experiments with enlarged flat-top phase, the power supply
system must be extended. The variable frequency of the pulsed network, fast load changes, together
with the different parameters of the load coils require a very sophisticated converter design with
reduced reactive power consumption. The paper describes the design and testing of the modular
Thyristor Converter Group 6 with neutral control and four quadrant possibilities. It presents the
various configurations available for operation on AUG magnetic coils, analyses the results of
measurements obtained during commissioning, compares them to the calculated (design) values and
reports on the performance achieved in fast four quadrant operation, improving the possibilities of
the AUG feedback control of plasma shape and position.