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30th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, 2003-07-07 to 2003-07-11
The first burning fusion plasma experiment based on the tokamak principle, international tokamak experimental reactor (ITER) is now ready for construction. Based on the
continuous progress of many years of fusion research, the design relies upon a large and robust set of experimental data. The focus of present day fusion research is therefore
shifting towards the issues of ITER plasma operation and machine availability. The latter is governed mainly by plasma–wall interaction issues, in particular the lifetime of
plasma-facing components and long-term tritium retention. To coordinate the research activities in this area a task force for plasma–wall interaction (EU-PWI-TF) has been initiated
by the European fusion research programme under EFDA. This contribution describes the experimental database in these areas and outlines the task force strategy and further
research that will be needed to address the critical issues.