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  Bootstrap current destabilization of ideal MHD modes in three- dimensional reactor configurations

Cooper, W. A., Margalet, S. F., Allfrey, S. J., Isaev, M. Y., Mikhailov, M. I., Shafranov, V. D., et al. (2002). Bootstrap current destabilization of ideal MHD modes in three- dimensional reactor configurations. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 44(Suppl. 12B), B357-B373.

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Cooper, W. A.1, Autor
Margalet, S. F.1, Autor
Allfrey, S. J.1, Autor
Isaev, M. Y.1, Autor
Mikhailov, M. I.1, Autor
Shafranov, V. D.1, Autor
Subbotin, A. A.1, Autor
Narushima, Y.1, Autor
Okamura, S.1, Autor
Suzuki, C.1, Autor
Yamazaki, K.1, Autor
Fu, G. Y.1, Autor
Ku, L. P.1, Autor
Monticello, D. A.1, Autor
Redi, M. H.1, Autor
Reiman, A. H.1, Autor
Zarnstorff, M. C.1, Autor
Nührenberg, J.2, Autor           
Todd, T. N.1, Autor
1EPFL, Assoc Euratom Confederat Suisse, Ctr Rech Phys Plasmas,; CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; IV Kurchatov Atom Energy Inst, Russian Res Ctr, Moscow 123182, Russia; Natl Inst Fus Sci, Toki, Japan; Princeton Plasma Phys Lab, Princeton, NJ 08543 USA; UKAEA, Dounreay, Caithness, Scotland, ou_persistent22              
2Stellarator Theory (ST), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856287              


Schlagwörter: -
 Zusammenfassung: In current-free stellarators, the parallel current density is normally too weak to drive global external kink modes. However, at finite values of beta, the bootstrap current (BC) can provide sufficient free energy to trigger this class of mode in some stellarator systems. The effect of the BC in the collisionless 1/nu regime has been investigated in several different types of stellarator reactor systems all with a volume V similar to 1000 m(3). In quasiaxisymmetric and quasihelically symmetric stellarators, the BC is large at, finite beta and this can cause low order resonances to move into and emerge out of the plasma which in turn can destabilize global internal and external kink modes. In a six-field period system with poloidally closed contours of the magnetic field strength B, the BC is small and decreases the rotational transform only slightly. As a result, only intermediate to high n modes can become weakly destabilized. Furthermore, it is demonstrated in this system that the contours of the second adiabatic invariant J(parallel to) close poloidally for all trapped particles at finite beta* similar to 6%. This condition leads to the loss of a very small fraction of the collisionless alpha-particle orbits. In Sphellamak configurations with peaked toroidal currents required to generate nearly isodynamic maximum-B confining field structures, the BC accounts only for a small fraction of the total current. The loss of a-particles born within the inner quarter of the plasma volume is negligible while about 1/3 of those born at half volume escape the device within a slowing down time.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2002
 Publikationsstatus: Erschienen
 Seiten: -
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: Expertenbegutachtung
 Identifikatoren: eDoc: 20397
ISI: 000180907400028
 Art des Abschluß: -







Quelle 1

Titel: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
  Alternativer Titel : Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 44 (Suppl. 12B) Artikelnummer: - Start- / Endseite: B357 - B373 Identifikator: ISSN: 0741-3335