Cold, precisely localized highly charged ions are of particular interest for metrology
and investigations of fundamental physics, such as possible drifts in the value of the
fine structure constant alpha. Recently, it was possible to prepare Coulomb crystallized ultra-cold 40Ar13+-ions through sympathetic motional cooling in a cryogenic linear Paul trap [1]. For the spectroscopic investigation of the 2P3/2 - 2P1/2 M1 transition at 441nm in boronlike 40Ar13+ions sympathetically cooled to the mk-range, a tuneable Ti:Sa laser at 882nm with 100 kHz linewidth was built at the PTB. The laser
setup including the frequency stabilization to a transfer cavity, which is locked to
a Rubidium hyperfine transition using the Transfer-Modulation-Spectroscopy technique
is presented. A first measurement of the MTS error signal is shown. For the
sympathetic cooling of HCIs, 9Be+ is the coolant ion of choice. The cooling laser
drives the 2S1/2 - 2P3/2 transition at 313 nm. For both precision spectroscopy of
40Ar13+and time dependent fluorescence measurements of 9Be+, power stabilization
of the cooling laser is a necessary prerequisite. Therefor two intensity stabilization
schemes were implemented and tested. Furthermore a setup for the determination
of the Paul trap heating rate was built, which was tested by measuring the Doppler
recooling times of a 0,5mm sized 9Be+ Coulombcrystal.