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  Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results

Kaufmann, M., Schweinzer, J., Albrecht, M., Alexander, M., Asmussen, K., Becker, G., et al. (1997). Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. In Fusion Energy 1996. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy (pp. 79-94). Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

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Kaufmann, M.1, Author           
Schweinzer, J.1, Author           
Albrecht, M.2, Author           
Alexander, M.1, Author           
Asmussen, K.3, Author           
Becker, G.4, Author           
Behler, K.1, Author           
Behringer, K.3, Author           
Behrisch, R.5, Author           
Berger, E.5, Author           
Bergmann, A.4, Author           
Bessenrodt-Weberpals, M.1, Author           
Borrass, K.6, Author           
Bosch, H. S.1, Author           
Braams, B. J.2, Author           
Brambilla, M.4, Author           
Braun, F.7, Author           
Brinkschulte, H.2, Author           
Brosig, Ch.8, Author           
Buechl, k., K., Author
Buhler, A.1, Author           Callaghan, H.2, Author           Carlson, A.6, Author           Chodura, R.2, Author           Coster, D. P.4, Author           Cupido, L., AuthorDe Blank, H. J.1, Author           Hempel, S. D., AuthorDeschka, S.2, Author           Dose, V.5, Author           Dorn, C.1, Author           Dodel, G.2, Author           Drube, R.1, Author           Dux, R.3, Author           Egorov, A. S., AuthorEngelhardt, W.3, Author           Engstler, J.2, Author           Fahrbach, H. U.1, Author           Fantz, U.3, Author           Feist, H. U., AuthorFiedler, S.9, Author           Fieg, G., AuthorField, A.2, Author           Franzen, P.1, Author           Fuchs, J. C.1, Author           Fussmann, G.10, Author           Gafert, J.3, Author           Gantenbein, G., AuthorGarcia-Rosales, G.2, Author           Gehre, O.1, Author           Gernhardt, J.1, Author           Grossmann, T., AuthorGruber, O.6, Author           Gunter, S., AuthorHaas, G.1, 7, Author           Hallatschek, K.4, 8, Author           Hartmann, J.2, Author           Heinemann, B.7, Author           Heimann, P.8, Author           Herrmann, A.1, Author           Herrmann, W.1, Author           Herppich, G.1, Author           Hertweck, F.8, Author           Hirsch, K., AuthorHirsch, S.1, Author           Hoek, M.1, Author           Hofmeister, F.2, Author           Hoenen, F., AuthorHolzhauer, E.2, Author           Hohenocker, H., AuthorIgnacz, P., AuthorJacobi, D.1, Author           Juttner, B., AuthorJunker, W.2, Author           Kakoulidis, M., AuthorKallenbach, A.3, Author           Kapralov, V., AuthorKarakatsanis, N., AuthorKardaun, O.4, Author           Kass, T.1, Author           Kastelewicz, H.10, Author           Klepper, C. C., AuthorKollotzek, H.1, Author           Koppendorfer, W., AuthorKraus, W.7, Author           Krieger, K.5, Author           Kurzan, B.1, Author           Kuteev, B., AuthorKyriakakis, G., AuthorLackner, K.4, Author           Lang, P. T.1, Author           Lang, R.2, Author           Lashkul, S., AuthorLaux, M.10, 11, Author           Leblanc, B., AuthorLengyel, L.6, 12, Author           Leonard, A. W., AuthorLeuterer, F.7, Author           Lieder, G.2, Author           Loureiro, C., AuthorMaier, I., AuthorMaingi, R., AuthorManso, M. E., AuthorMaraschek, M.1, Author           Markoulaki, M., AuthorMast, M., AuthorMcCarthy, P.4, Author           Meisel, D.2, Author           Meister, H.3, Author           Merkel, R.1, Author           Mertens, V.1, Author           Miroshnikov, I., AuthorMüller, H. W.1, Author           Münich, F., AuthorMurmann, H.1, Author           Napiontek, B.3, 10, Author           Naujoks, D.5, Author           Neu, G.1, Author           Neu, R.3, Author           Neuhauser, J.6, Author           Noterdaeme, J. M.7, Author           Niethammer, M., AuthorO'Shea, L., AuthorPacco-Düchs, M. G.13, Author           Pasch, E.10, Author           Pautasso, G.4, Author           Peeters, A. G.6, Author           Petravich, G.2, AuthorPitcher, C. S.2, Author           Poschenrieder, W.2, Author           Precht, J.2, AuthorPuri, F.2, AuthorRaupp, G.1, Author           Reinmuller, K.2, AuthorReimerdes, H.2, AuthorRiedl, R.7, Author           Rohde, V.1, Author           Rohr, H.2, AuthorRoth, J.5, Author           Ryter, F.7, Author           Salzmann, H.2, Author           Sandmann, W.6, Author           Santos, J.2, AuthorScharich, W.2, AuthorSchilling, H. B.1, Author           Schittenhelm, M.2, Author           Schlogl, D., AuthorSchneider, H.1, Author           Schneider, R.4, Author           Schneider, U.2, Author           Schneider, W.4, Author           Schonmann, K.2, AuthorSchramm, G.1, Author           Schumacher, U.2, Author           Schutte, T.2, AuthorSchweizer, S.1, Author           Schworer, R.2, AuthorScott, B.4, Author           Seidel, U.1, Author           Sesnic, S.1, Author           Serra, F.2, AuthorSilva, A.2, AuthorSokoll, M.1, Author           Spathis, P.2, AuthorSpeth, E.7, Author           Stabler, A.2, AuthorSteuer, K. H.1, Author           Stober, J.1, Author           Streibl, B.1, Author           Suttrop, W.1, Author           Thoma, A.3, Author           Tichmann, C.4, Author           Tisma, R.8, Author           Treutterer, W.1, Author           Troppmann, M.1, Author           Tsois, N.2, AuthorUlrich, M., Author           Varela, P.2, AuthorVeselova, I.2, AuthorVerbeek, H.5, Author           Verplancke, P.7, Author           Vollmer, O.2, Author           Wade, M. R., AuthorWedler, H.2, Author           Wenzel, U.10, Author           Wesner, F.2, Author           Weinlich, M.6, 9, Author           Werthmann, H.2, AuthorWilhelm, R.7, Author           Wolf, R.1, Author           Wunderlich, R.6, Author           Wutte, D.2, AuthorXantopoulos, N.2, AuthorZanino, R.2, Author           Zasche, D.1, Author           Zehrfeld, H. P.6, Author           Zehetbauer, T.1, Author           Zilker, M.8, Author           Zohm, H.1, Author           Zouhar, M.2, Author            more..
1Experimental Plasma Physics 1 (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856295              
2External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
3Experimental Plasma Physics 4 (E4), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856293              
4Tokamak Theory (TOK), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856309              
5Surface Science (OP), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856288              
6Tokamak Theory (TOK), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_persistent22              
7Technology (TE), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856318              
8Computer Center Garching (RZG), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856297              
9Experimental Plasma Physics 3 (E3), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856291              
10Plasma Diagnostics Group (HUB), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856324              
11W7-X: Physics (PH), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856305              
12Theory 3, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856322              
13Theory, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856323              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 1997
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Internal
 Identifiers: eDoc: 669705
 Degree: -


Title: 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy
Place of Event: Montreal
Start-/End Date: 1996-10-07 - 1996-10-11

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Project information


Source 1

Title: Fusion Energy 1996. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy
Source Genre: Proceedings
Publ. Info: Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Pages: - Volume / Issue: - Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 79 - 94 Identifier: -