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  The Molecular Structures and Conformations of Bis(dichlorosilyl)amine and Bis(dichlorosilyl)methylamine in the Gas Phase: Determination by Electron Diffraction and by ab Initio Calculations

Fleischer, H., Hnyk, D., Rankin, D. W. H., Robertson, H. E., Bühl, M., & Thiel, W. (1995). The Molecular Structures and Conformations of Bis(dichlorosilyl)amine and Bis(dichlorosilyl)methylamine in the Gas Phase: Determination by Electron Diffraction and by ab Initio Calculations. Chemische Berichte, 128(8), 807-815. doi:10.1002/cber.19951280812.

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Fleischer, Holger1, Autor
Hnyk, Drahomír1, Autor
Rankin, David W. H.1, Autor
Robertson, Heather E.1, Autor
Bühl, Michael2, Autor           
Thiel, Walter2, Autor           
1Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JJ, U.K., ou_persistent22              
2Organisch-chemisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland, ou_persistent22              


Schlagwörter: Amines, bis(dichlorosilyl); bis(dichlorosilyl)methyl-; Gas-phase electron diffraction; Calculations, ab initio
 Zusammenfassung: The gas-phase molecular structures of bis(dichlorosilyl)-amine, (HSiCl2)2NH, and bis(dichlorosilyl)methylamine, (SiHCl2)2NMe, have been investigated by electron diffraction and ab initio calculations on a MP2/6–31G* level. Because the latter suggest the presence of a mixture of two conformers for each molecule, attempts were made to fit the electron diffraction data in each case by two different models, one assuming the presence of only one conformation, and another allowing for two different conformers. The principal parameters (ra) from electron diffraction for (HSiCl2)2NH are (the appropriate ab initio calculated values are given in brackets []): r(Si-N) 171.9(2) [172.7], r(Si-Cl) 204.1(1)[204.5] pm; Si-N-Si 126.5(8) [127.4] N-Si-Cl 107.3(5) [110.8] and Cl-Si-Cl 106.5(3) [107.5]°. For (SiHCl2)2NMe: r(Si-N) 171.1(3) [171.5], r(Si-Cl) 204.0(9) [205.2], r(N-C) 149.7(10) [148.3] pm; Si-N-Si 124.9(13) [123.4], N-Si-Cl 109.7(5) [110.7] and Cl-Si-Cl 107.1(3) [107.2]° [110.8] and Cl-Si-Cl 106.5(3) [107.5]°. For (SiHCl2)2NMe: r(Si-N) 171.1(3) [171.5], r(Si-Cl) 204.0(9) [205.2], r(N-C) 149.7(10) [148.3] pm; Si-N-Si 124.9(13) [123.4], N-Si-Cl 109.7(5) [110.7] and Cl-Si-Cl 107.1(3) [107.2]°. For (HSiCl2)2NH three different conformers were found to fit the experimental data with the single-conformation model. In two of the conformers, the dichlorosilyl groups are twisted by Θ1 = 146.0(10)/Θ2 = 155.2(20)° and Θ1= 101.1(49)/Θ2 = 196.8(12)°; respectively counterclockwise from the positions in which the Si-H bonds eclipse the N-H bond. Both of these lead to nearly ideally staggered conformations of the two SiHCl2 groups when viewed along the Si–Si axis. In contrast, the third conformation is nearly eclipsed, with torsion angles Θ1 = 131.4(15)/Θ2 = 80.4(26)°. Planarity of the Si2NH group was assumed as suggested by ab initio calculation. For (HSiCl2)2NMe the experimental data could be suitably fitted by two conformers, in which the dichlorosilyl groups are twisted by Θ1= 161.8(13)/Θ = 63.1(23)° and Θ1 = 156.1(9)/ Θ2 = 177.1(15)° from the positions in which the Si-H bonls eclipse the N-C bond. The first of these structures has an eclipsed Si(NSi)Cl conformation and an Si…Cl nonbonded distance close to distance clse to the sum of the appropriate van der waals radii. MP2/6–31G* calculations support the GED bond lengths and bond angles of both molecules, but indicate different conformations for the most stable equilibrium geometries: the computed twists are Θ1 = 180/Θ2 = 180° and Θ1 = 177.0/ Θ2 = 183.0° for (HSiCl2)2NH and (HSiCl2)2NMe, respectively. Rotation about the Si—N bonds is a very facile process, cf. the computed [MP2/6–31G*//MP2/6–31G* + ZPE(SCF/6–31G*)] rotational barrier of 2.9 kJ. mol-1 for (HSiCl2)2NH.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 1994-07-062006-01-231995-08
 Publikationsstatus: Erschienen
 Seiten: 9
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: Expertenbegutachtung
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.1002/cber.19951280812
 Art des Abschluß: -







Quelle 1

Titel: Chemische Berichte
  Andere : Chem. Ber.
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Weinheim : VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 128 (8) Artikelnummer: - Start- / Endseite: 807 - 815 Identifikator: ISSN: 0009-2940