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  Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-type-specific variants across 11 common diseases

Gusev, A., Lee, S. H., Trynka, G., Finucane, H., Vilhjálmsson, B. J., Xu, H., et al. (2014). Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-type-specific variants across 11 common diseases. American Journal of Human Genetics, 95(5), 535-552. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.10.004.

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Gusev, Alexander, Author
Lee, S. Hong, Author
Trynka, Gosia, Author
Finucane, Hilary, Author
Vilhjálmsson, Bjarni J., Author
Xu, Han, Author
Zang, Chongzhi, Author
Ripke, Stephan, Author
Bulik-Sullivan, Brendan, Author
Stahl, Eli, Author
Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Author              
SWE-SCZ Consortium, Author              
Kähler, Anna K., Author
Hultman, Christina M., Author
Purcell, Shaun M., Author
McCarroll, Steven A., Author
Daly, Marc, Author
Pasaniuc, Bogdan, Author
Sullivan, Patrick F., Author
Neale, Benjamin M., Author
Wray, Naomi R., AuthorRaychaudhuri, Soumya, AuthorPrice, Alkes L., AuthorCorvin, A., AuthorWalters, J. T., AuthorFarh, K. H., AuthorHolmans, P. A., AuthorLee, P., AuthorCollier, D. A., AuthorHuang, H., AuthorPers, T. H., AuthorAgartz, I., AuthorAgerbo, E., AuthorAlbus, M., AuthorAlexander, M., AuthorAmin, F., AuthorBacanu, S. A., AuthorBegemann, Martin1, Author           Belliveau, R. A., AuthorBene, J., AuthorBergen, S. E., AuthorBevilacqua, E., AuthorBigdeli, T. B., AuthorBlack, D. W., AuthorBørglum, A. D., AuthorBruggeman, R., AuthorBuccola, N. G., AuthorBuckner, R. L., AuthorByerley, W., AuthorCahn, W., AuthorCai, G., AuthorCampion, D., AuthorCantor, R. M., AuthorCarr, V. J., AuthorCarrera, N., AuthorCatts, S. V., AuthorChambert, K. D., AuthorChan, R. C., AuthorChen, R. Y., AuthorChen, E. Y., AuthorCheng, W., AuthorCheung, E. F., AuthorChong, S. A., AuthorCloninger, C. R., AuthorCohen, D., AuthorCohen, N., AuthorCormican, P., AuthorCraddock, N., AuthorCrowley, J. J., AuthorCurtis, D., AuthorDavidson, M., AuthorDavis, K. L., AuthorDegenhardt, F., AuthorDel Favero, J., AuthorDeLisi, L. E., AuthorDemontis, D., AuthorDikeos, D., AuthorDinan, T., AuthorDjurovic, S., AuthorDonohoe, G., AuthorDrapeau, E., AuthorDuan, J., AuthorDudbridge, F., AuthorDurmishi, N., AuthorEichhammer, P., AuthorEriksson, J., AuthorEscott-Price, V., AuthorEssioux, L., AuthorFanous, A. H., AuthorFarrell, M. S., AuthorFrank, J., AuthorFranke, L., AuthorFreedman, R., AuthorFreimer, N. B., AuthorFriedl, M., AuthorFriedman, J. I., AuthorFromer, M., AuthorGenovese, G., AuthorGeorgieva, L., AuthorGershon, E. S., AuthorGiegling, I., AuthorGiusti-Rodriguez, P., AuthorGodard, S., AuthorGoldstein, J. I., AuthorGolimbet, V., AuthorGopal, S., AuthorGratten, J., AuthorGrove, J., Authorde Haan, L., AuthorHammer, Christian1, Author           Hamshere, M. L., AuthorHansen, M., AuthorHansen, T., AuthorHaroutunian, V., AuthorHartmann, A. M., AuthorHenskens, F. A., AuthorHerms, S., AuthorHirschhorn, J. N., AuthorHoffmann, P., AuthorHofman, A., AuthorHollegaard, M. V., AuthorHougaard, D. M., AuthorIkeda, M., AuthorJoa, I., AuthorJulià, A., AuthorKahn, R. S., AuthorKalaydjieva, L., AuthorKarachanak-Yankova, S., AuthorKarjalainen, J., AuthorKavanagh, D., AuthorKeller, M. C., AuthorKelly, B. J., AuthorKennedy, J. L., AuthorKhrunin, A., AuthorKim, Y., AuthorKlovins, J., AuthorKnowles, J. A., AuthorKonte, B., AuthorKucinskas, V., AuthorKucinskiene, Z. A., AuthorKuzelova-Ptackova, H., AuthorLaurent, C., AuthorKeong, J. L., AuthorLegge, S. E., AuthorLerer, B., AuthorLi, M., AuthorLi, T., AuthorLiang, K. Y., AuthorLieberman, J., AuthorLimborska, S., AuthorLoughland, C. M., AuthorLubinski, J., AuthorLnnqvist, J., AuthorMacek, M., AuthorMagnusson, P. K., AuthorMaher, B. S., AuthorMaier, W., AuthorMallet, J., AuthorMarsal, S., AuthorMattheisen, M., AuthorMattingsdal, M., AuthorMcCarley, R. W., AuthorMcDonald, C., AuthorMcIntosh, A. 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1Clinical neuroscience, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Max Planck Society, ou_2173651              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2014-11-06
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: eDoc: 696041
DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.10.004
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: American Journal of Human Genetics
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 95 (5) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 535 - 552 Identifier: -