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HESS - Abteilung Hofmann
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is an array of imaging
atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) located in the Khomas Highland in
Namibia. It consists of four 12-m telescopes (CT1-4), which started operations
in 2003, and a 28-m diameter one (CT5), which was brought online in 2012. It is
the only IACT system featuring telescopes of different sizes, which provides
sensitivity for gamma rays across a very wide energy range, from ~30 GeV up to
~100 TeV. Since the camera electronics of CT1-4 are much older than the one of
CT5, an upgrade is being carried out; first deployment was in 2015, full
operation is planned for 2016. The goals of this upgrade are threefold:
reducing the dead time of the cameras, improving the overall performance of the
array and reducing the system failure rate related to aging. Upon completion,
the upgrade will assure the continuous operation of H.E.S.S. at its full
sensitivity until and possibly beyond the advent of CTA. In the design of the
new components, several CTA concepts and technologies were used and are thus
being evaluated in the field: The upgraded read-out electronics is based on the
NECTAR readout chips; the new camera front- and back-end control subsystems are
based on an FPGA and an embedded ARM computer; the communication between
subsystems is based on standard Ethernet technologies. These hardware solutions
offer good performance, robustness and flexibility. The design of the new
cameras is reported here.