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  Discovery of the VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1832-093 in the vicinity of SNR G22.7-0.2

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F. A., Ait Benkhali, F., Akhperjanian, A. G., Anguner, E., et al. (2015). Discovery of the VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1832-093 in the vicinity of SNR G22.7-0.2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446(2), 1163-1169. doi:10.1093/mnras/stu2148.

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Abramowski, A.1, Author
Acero, F.1, Author
Aharonian, F. A.2, Author           
Ait Benkhali, Faical3, Author           
Akhperjanian, A. G.1, Author
Anguner, E.1, Author
Anton, G.1, Author
Balenderan, S.1, Author
Balzer, A.1, Author
Barnacka, A.1, Author
Becherini, Y.1, Author
Tjus, J. Becker1, Author
Bernloehr, K.3, Author           
Birsin, E.1, Author
Bissaldi, E.1, Author
Biteau, J.1, Author
Boettcher, M.1, Author
Boisson, C.1, Author
Bolmont, J.1, Author
Bordas, P.1, Author
Brucker, J.1, AuthorBrun, Francois2, Author           Brun, P.1, AuthorBulik, T.1, AuthorCarrigan, S.2, Author           Casanova, S.2, Author           Cerruti, M.1, AuthorChadwick, P. M.1, AuthorChalme-Calvet, R.1, AuthorChaves, R. C. G.1, AuthorCheesebrough, A.1, AuthorChretien, M.1, AuthorClapson, A. -C.1, AuthorColafrancesco, S.1, AuthorCologna, G.1, AuthorConrad, J.1, AuthorCouturier, C.1, AuthorCui, Y.1, AuthorDalton, M.1, AuthorDaniel, M. K.1, AuthorDavids, I. D.1, AuthorDegrange, B.1, AuthorDeil, C.3, Author           deWilt, P.1, AuthorDickinson, H. J.1, AuthorDjannati-Atai, A.1, AuthorDomainko, W2, Author           Drury, L. O'C.1, AuthorDubus, G.1, AuthorDutson, K.1, AuthorDyks, J.1, AuthorDyrda, M.1, AuthorEdwards, Tanya3, Author           Egberts, K.1, AuthorEger , P.1, AuthorEspigat, P.1, AuthorFarnier, C.1, AuthorFegan, S.1, AuthorFeinstein, F.1, AuthorFernandes, M. V.1, AuthorFernandez, D.1, AuthorFiasson, A.1, AuthorFontaine, G.1, AuthorFoerster, A.2, Author           Fuessling, M.1, AuthorGajdus, M.1, AuthorGallant, Y. A.1, AuthorGarrigoux, T.1, AuthorGiavitto, G.1, AuthorGiebels, B.1, AuthorGlicenstein, J. F.1, AuthorGrondin, Marie-Hélène2, Author           Grudzinska, M.1, AuthorHaeffner, S.1, AuthorHahn, Joachim3, Author           Harris, J.1, AuthorHeinzelmann, G.1, AuthorHenri, G.1, AuthorHermann, G.3, Author           Hervet, O.1, AuthorHillert, Andreas2, Author           Hinton, J. A.1, AuthorHofmann, W.2, Author           Hofverberg, P.2, Author           Holler, M.1, AuthorHorns, D.1, AuthorJacholkowska, A.1, AuthorJahn, C.1, AuthorJamrozy, M.1, AuthorJaniak, M.1, AuthorJankowsky, F.1, AuthorJung, I.1, AuthorKastendieck, M. A.1, AuthorKatarzynski, K.1, AuthorKatz, U.1, AuthorKaufmann, S.1, AuthorKhelifi, B.1, AuthorKieffer, M.1, AuthorKlepser, S.1, AuthorKlochkov, D.1, AuthorKluzniak, W.1, AuthorKneiske, T.1, AuthorKolitzus, D.1, AuthorKomin, Nu.1, AuthorKosack, K.1, AuthorKrakau, S.1, AuthorKrayzel, F.1, AuthorKrueger p, P. P.1, AuthorLaffon, H.1, AuthorLamanna, G.1, AuthorLefaucheur, J.1, AuthorLemiere, A.1, AuthorLemoine-Goumard, M.1, AuthorLenain, J. -P.1, AuthorLennarz, D.1, AuthorLohse, T.1, AuthorLopatin, A.1, AuthorLu, C. -C.1, AuthorMarandon, Vincent3, Author           Marcowith, A.1, AuthorMarx, Ramin3, Author           Maurin, G.1, AuthorMaxted, N.1, AuthorMayer, M.1, AuthorMcComb, T. J. L.1, AuthorMehault, J.1, AuthorMeintjes, P. J.1, AuthorMenzler, U.1, AuthorMeyer, M.1, AuthorModerski, R.1, AuthorMohamed, M.1, AuthorMoulin, E.1, AuthorMurach, T.1, AuthorNaumann, C. L.1, Authorde Naurois, M.1, AuthorNiemiec, J.1, AuthorNolan, S. J.1, AuthorOakes, L.1, AuthorOhm, S.1, Authorde Ona Wilhelmi, Emma2, Author           Opitz, B.1, AuthorOstrowski, M.1, AuthorOya, I.1, AuthorPanter, M.2, Author           Parsons, R. D.3, Author           Arribas, M. Paz1, AuthorPekeur, N. W.1, AuthorPelletier, G.1, AuthorPerez, J.1, AuthorPetrucci, P. -O.1, AuthorPeyaud, B.1, AuthorPita, S.1, AuthorPoon, Helen3, Author           Puehlhofer, G.1, AuthorPunch, M.1, AuthorQuirrenbach, A.1, AuthorRaab, S.1, AuthorRaue, M.1, AuthorReimer, A.1, AuthorReimer, O.1, AuthorRenaud, M.1, AuthorDe los Reyes, Raquel3, Author           Rieger, F.2, Author           Rob, L.1, AuthorRomoli, C.1, AuthorRosier-Lees, S.1, AuthorRowell, G.1, AuthorRudak, B.1, AuthorRulten, C. B.1, AuthorSahakian, V.1, AuthorSanchez, D. A.1, AuthorSantangelo, A.1, AuthorSchlickeiser, R.1, AuthorSchuessler, F.1, AuthorSchulz, A.1, AuthorSchwanke, U.1, AuthorSchwarzburg, S.1, AuthorSchwemmer, S.1, AuthorSol, H.1, AuthorSpengler, G.1, AuthorSpies, F.1, AuthorStawarz, L.1, AuthorSteenkamp, R.1, AuthorStegmann, C.1, AuthorStinzing, F.1, AuthorStycz, K.1, AuthorSushch, I.1, AuthorSzostek, A.1, AuthorTavernet, J. -P.1, AuthorTavernier, T.1, AuthorTaylor, A. M.1, AuthorTerrier, R.1, AuthorTluczykont, M.1, AuthorTrichard, C.1, AuthorValerius, K.1, Authorvan Eldik, C.1, Authorvan Soelen, B.1, AuthorVasileiadis, G.1, AuthorVenter, C.1, AuthorViana, Aion3, Author           Vincent, P.1, AuthorVoelk, H. J.1, AuthorVolpe, Francesca2, Author           Vorster, M.1, AuthorVuillaume, T.1, AuthorWagner, S. J.1, AuthorWagner, P.1, AuthorWard, M.1, AuthorWeidinger, M.1, AuthorWeitzel, Quirin2, Author           White, R.1, AuthorWierzcholska, A.1, AuthorWillmann, P.1, AuthorWoernlein, A.1, AuthorWouters, D.1, AuthorZabalza, V.2, Author           Zacharias, M.1, AuthorZajczyk, A.1, AuthorZdziarski, A. A.1, AuthorZech, A.1, AuthorZechlin, H. -S.1, Author more..
1external, ou_persistent22              
2Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_904550              
3Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              


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 MPINP: HESS - Abteilung Hofmann
 MPINP: Hochenergie-Astrophysik Theorie - Abteilung Hofmann
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 Dates: 2015
 Publication Status: Issued
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 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stu2148
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Source 1

Title: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
  Other : Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Oxford : Oxford University Press
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 446 (2) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 1163 - 1169 Identifier: ISSN: 1365-8711
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/1000000000024150