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  The UK10K project identifies rare variants in health and disease

Walter, K., Min, J., Huang, J., Crooks, L., Memari, Y., McCarthy, S., et al. (2015). The UK10K project identifies rare variants in health and disease. Nature, 526(7571), 82-89. doi:10.1038/nature14962.

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Walter, K.1, Author           
Min, J.L., Author
Huang, J., Author           
Crooks, L., Author
Memari, Y., Author
McCarthy, S., Author
Perry, J.R.B., Author
Xu, C., Author
Futema, M., Author
Lawson, D., Author
Iotchkova, V., Author
Schiffels, Stephan2, Author           
Hendricks, A.E., Author
Danecek, P., Author
Li, R., Author           
Floyd, J., Author
Wain, L.V., Author
Barroso, I., Author
Humphries, S.E., Author
Hurles, M.E., Author
Zeggini, E., AuthorBarrett, J.C., AuthorPlagnol, V., AuthorRichards, J.B., AuthorGreenwood, C.M.T., AuthorTimpson, N.J., AuthorDurbin, R., AuthorBala, S., Author           Clapham, P., AuthorCoates, G., AuthorCox, T., AuthorDaly, A., AuthorDu, Y., AuthorEdkins, S., AuthorEllis, P., AuthorFlicek, P., AuthorGuo, X.3, Author           Guo, X.3, Author           Huang, L., AuthorJackson, D.K., AuthorJoyce, C., AuthorKeane, T., AuthorKolb-Kokocinski, A., AuthorLangford, C., AuthorLi, Y.4, Author           Liang, J., AuthorLin, H., AuthorLiu, R.5, Author           Maslen, J., AuthorMuddyman, D., AuthorQuail, M.A., AuthorStalker, J., AuthorSun, J., AuthorTian, J., AuthorWang, G.6, Author           Wang, J.7, Author           Wang, Y.8, Author           Wong, K., AuthorZhang, P., AuthorBirney, E., AuthorBoustred, C., AuthorChen, L.9, Author           Clement, G., AuthorCocca, M., AuthorSmith, G.D., AuthorDay, I.N.M., AuthorDay-Williams, A., AuthorDown, T., AuthorDunham, I., AuthorEvans, D.M., AuthorGaunt, T.R., AuthorGeihs, M., AuthorHart, D., AuthorHowie, B., AuthorHubbard, T., AuthorHysi, P., AuthorJamshidi, Y., AuthorKarczewski, K.J., AuthorKemp, J.P., AuthorLachance, G., AuthorLek, M., AuthorLopes, M., AuthorMacArthur, D.G., AuthorMarchini, J., AuthorMangino, M., AuthorMathieson, I., AuthorMetrustry, S., AuthorMoayyeri, A., AuthorNorthstone, K., AuthorPanoutsopoulou, K., AuthorPaternoster, L., AuthorQuaye, L., AuthorRing, S., AuthorRitchie, G.R.S., AuthorShihab, H.A., AuthorShin, S.-Y., AuthorSmall, K.S., AuthorArtigas, M.S., AuthorSoranzo, N., AuthorSoutham, L., AuthorSpector, T.D., AuthorSt Pourcain, B., AuthorSurdulescu, G., AuthorTachmazidou, I., AuthorTobin, M.D., AuthorValdes, A.M., AuthorVisscher, P.M., AuthorWard, K., AuthorWilson, S.G., AuthorYang, J., Author           Zhang, F.10, 11, Author           Zheng, H.-F., AuthorAnney, R., AuthorAyub, M., AuthorBlackwood, D., AuthorBolton, P.F., AuthorBreen, G., AuthorCollier, D.A., AuthorCraddock, N., AuthorCurran, S., AuthorCurtis, D., AuthorGallagher, L., AuthorGeschwind, D., AuthorGurling, H., AuthorHolmans, P., AuthorLee, I., AuthorLönnqvist, J., AuthorMcGuffin, P., AuthorMcIntosh, A.M., AuthorMcKechanie, A.G., AuthorMcQuillin, A., AuthorMorris, J., AuthorO'Donovan, M.C., AuthorOwen, M.J., AuthorPalotie, A., AuthorParr, J.R., AuthorPaunio, T., AuthorPietilainen, O., AuthorRehnström, K., AuthorSharp, S.I., AuthorSkuse, D., AuthorSt Clair, D., AuthorSuvisaari, J., AuthorWalters, J.T.R., AuthorWilliams, H.J., AuthorBochukova, E., AuthorBounds, R., AuthorDominiczak, A., AuthorFarooqi, I.S., AuthorKeogh, J., AuthorMarenne, G., AuthorMorris, A., AuthorO'Rahilly, S., AuthorPorteous, D.J., AuthorSmith, B.H., AuthorWheeler, E., AuthorAl Turki, S., AuthorAnderson, C.A., AuthorAntony, D., AuthorBeales, P., AuthorBentham, J., AuthorBhattacharya, S.12, Author           Calissano, M., AuthorCarss, K., AuthorChatterjee, K., AuthorCirak, S., AuthorCosgrove, C., AuthorFitzpatrick, D.R., AuthorFoley, A.R., AuthorFranklin, C.S., AuthorGrozeva, D., AuthorMitchison, H.M., AuthorMuntoni, F., AuthorOnoufriadis, A., AuthorParker, V., AuthorPayne, F., AuthorRaymond, F.L., AuthorRoberts, N.13, Author           Savage, D.B., AuthorScambler, P., AuthorSchmidts, M., AuthorSchoenmakers, N., AuthorSemple, R.K., AuthorSerra, E., AuthorSpasic-Boskovic, O., AuthorStevens, E., AuthorVan Kogelenberg, M., AuthorVijayarangakannan, P., AuthorWilliamson, K.A., AuthorWilson, C., AuthorWhyte, T., AuthorCiampi, A., AuthorOualkacha, K., AuthorBobrow, M., AuthorGriffin, H., AuthorKaye, J., AuthorKennedy, K., AuthorKent, A., AuthorSmee, C., AuthorCharlton, R., AuthorEkong, R., AuthorKhawaja, F., AuthorLopes, L.R., AuthorMigone, N., AuthorPayne, S.J., AuthorPollitt, R.C., AuthorPovey, S., AuthorRidout, C.K., AuthorRobinson, R.L., AuthorScott, R.H., AuthorShaw, A., AuthorSyrris, P., AuthorTaylor, R., AuthorVandersteen, A.M., AuthorAmuzu, A., AuthorCasas, J.P., AuthorChambers, J.C., AuthorDedoussis, G., AuthorGambaro, G., AuthorGasparini, P., AuthorIsaacs, A., AuthorJohnson, J., AuthorKleber, M.E., AuthorKooner, J.S., AuthorLangenberg, C., AuthorLuan, J., AuthorMalerba, G., AuthorMärz, W., AuthorMatchan, A., AuthorMorris, R., AuthorNordestgaard, B.G., AuthorBenn, M., AuthorScott, R.A., AuthorToniolo, D., AuthorTraglia, M., AuthorTybjaerg-Hansen, A., AuthorVan Duijn, C.M., AuthorVan Leeuwen, E.M., AuthorVarbo, A., AuthorWhincup, P., AuthorZaza, G., AuthorZhang, W., Author            more..
1Department of NMR Based Structural Biology, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society, ou_578567              
2External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
3Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society, ou_40046              
4ADIS, MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1113564              
5Shanghai Univ, Sch Environm & Chem Engn, Shanghai 200444, Peoples R China, ou_persistent22              
6Dept. of Plant Breeding and Genetics (Maarten Koornneef), MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1113569              
7Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society, ou_578618              
8Dept. of Plant Microbe Interactions (Paul Schulze-Lefert), MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1113572              
9Department of Dynamics at Surfaces, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Max Planck Society, ou_578600              
10Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia', MPI for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Society, ou_907576              
11Department II, MPI for Social Anthropology, Max Planck Society, ou_907576              
12Algorithms and Complexity, MPI for Informatics, Max Planck Society, ou_24019              
13Religious Diversity, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Max Planck Society, ou_1116554              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2015-03-152015-07-172015-09-142015-10-01
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: 21
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1038/nature14962
BibTex Citekey: Walter201582
Other: shh421
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Nature
  Abbreviation : Nature
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: London : Nature Publishing Group
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 526 (7571) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 82 - 89 Identifier: ISSN: 0028-0836
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954925427238