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Contributions of climatically significant natural and anthropogenic emission sources in northern
Eurasia to seasonal carbon monoxide (CO) variations observed at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory
(ZOTTO) in Central Siberia in 2007–2011 have quantitatively been estimated using the GEOSChem chem
ical transport model. It is shown that the formation of a stable continental pollution plume from sources in
Western Europe, European Russia and southern Siberia during winter plays an important role in the regional
balance of surface CO and allows one to explain 55–80% of the amplitude of the CO annual cycle observed
at the ZOTTO station (~70–90 ppbv). During the warm period, the effect of the anthropogenic factor is
weakly pronounced, and the background concentration of CO is regulated, first and foremost, by the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds and fire activity in the region.