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  Die Berliner Humboldt-Universität von 1945/1946 bis 1960/1961

Vogt, A. (2012). Die Berliner Humboldt-Universität von 1945/1946 bis 1960/1961. Berlin: MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Preprint 425.

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Basic (Discarded)

Date of Discard: 2016-05-27
Comment: Batch submit/release from import import_general
Vogt, Annette1           
1Department Ideals and Practices of Rationality, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society, ou_2266696              
 Dates: 2012
Files: 0 Files
Locators: 0 Locators
version ID: item_2275476_1
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: General Context of the MPI for the History of Science, Affiliated to: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science