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Deterministic dynamics
We study the low-energy spectral properties of positive center-of-mass conserving two-body Hamiltonians as they arise in models of fractional quantum Hall states. Starting from the observation that positive many-body Hamiltonians must have ground-state energies that increase monotonously in particle number, we explore what general additional constraints can be obtained for two-body interactions with "center-of-mass conservation" symmetry, both in the presence and absence of particle-hole symmetry. We find general bounds that constrain the evolution of the ground-state energy with particle number, and in particular, constrain the chemical potential at T = 0. Special attention is given to Hamiltonians with zero modes, in which case similar bounds on the first excited state are also obtained, using a duality property. In this case, in particular, an upper bound on the charge gap is also obtained. We further comment on center of mass and relative decomposition in disk geometry within the framework of second quantization.