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  Improved Analysis of GW150914 Using a Fully Spin-Precessing Waveform Model

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, The Virgo Collaboration, Abbott, B., Abbott, R., Abbott, T., Abernathy, M., et al. (2016). Improved Analysis of GW150914 Using a Fully Spin-Precessing Waveform Model. Physical Review X, 6: 041014. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.6.041014.

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Author              
The Virgo Collaboration, Author              
Abbott, B. P., Author
Abbott, R., Author
Abbott, T. D., Author
Abernathy, M. R., Author
Acernese, F., Author
Ackley, K., Author
Adams, C., Author
Adams, T., Author
Addesso, P., Author
Adhikari, R. X., Author
Adya, V. B., Author
Affeldt, C.1, Author           
Agathos, M., Author
Agatsuma, K., Author
Aggarwal, N., Author
Aguiar, O. D., Author
Aiello, L., Author
Ain, A., Author
Ajith, P., AuthorAllen, B.2, Author           Allocca, A., AuthorAltin, P. A., AuthorAnderson, S. B., AuthorAnderson, W. G., AuthorArai, K., AuthorAraya, M. C., AuthorArceneaux, C. C., AuthorAreeda, J. S., AuthorArnaud, N., AuthorArun, K. G., AuthorAscenzi, S., AuthorAshton, G., AuthorAst, S.1, Author           Aston, S. M., AuthorAstone, P., AuthorAufmuth, P.1, Author           Aulbert, C.2, Author           Babak, S.3, Author           Bacon, P., AuthorBader, M. K. M., AuthorBaker, P. T., AuthorBaldaccini, F., AuthorBallardin, G., AuthorBallmer, S. W., AuthorBarayoga, J. C., AuthorBarclay, S. E., AuthorBarish, B. C., AuthorBarker, D., AuthorBarone, F., AuthorBarr, B., AuthorBarsotti, L., AuthorBarsuglia, M., AuthorBarta, D., AuthorBartlett, J., AuthorBartos, I., AuthorBassiri, R., AuthorBasti, A., AuthorBatch, J. C., AuthorBaune, C., AuthorBavigadda, V., AuthorBazzan, M., AuthorBejger, M., AuthorBell, A. S., AuthorBerger, B. K., AuthorBergmann, G.1, Author           Berry, C. P. L., AuthorBersanetti, D., AuthorBertolini, A., AuthorBetzwieser, J., AuthorBhagwat, S., AuthorBhandare, R., AuthorBilenko, I. A., AuthorBillingsley, G., AuthorBirch, J., AuthorBirney, R., AuthorBirnholtz, O., AuthorBiscans, S., AuthorBisht, A., AuthorBitossi, M., AuthorBiwer, C., AuthorBizouard, M. A., AuthorBlackburn, J. K., AuthorBlair, C. D., AuthorBlair, D. G., AuthorBlair, R. M., AuthorBloemen, S., AuthorBock, O.2, Author           Boer, M., AuthorBogaert, G., AuthorBogan, C.1, Author           Bohe, A.3, Author           Bond, C., AuthorBondu, F., AuthorBonnand, R., AuthorBoom, B. A., AuthorBork, R., AuthorBoschi, V., AuthorBose, S., AuthorBouffanais, Y., AuthorBozzi, A., AuthorBradaschia, C., AuthorBrady, P. R., AuthorBraginsky, V. B., AuthorBranchesi, M., AuthorBrau, J. E., AuthorBriant, T., AuthorBrillet, A., AuthorBrinkmann, M., AuthorBrisson, V., AuthorBrockill, P., AuthorBroida, J. E., AuthorBrooks, A. F., AuthorBrown, D. A., AuthorBrown, D. D., AuthorBrown, N. M., AuthorBrunett, S., AuthorBuchanan, C. C., AuthorBuikema, A., AuthorBulik, T., AuthorBulten, H. J., AuthorBuonanno, A.3, Author           Buskulic, D., AuthorBuy, C., AuthorByer, R. L., AuthorCabero, M., AuthorCadonati, L., AuthorCagnoli, G., AuthorCahillane, C., AuthorCalderón Bustillo, J. , AuthorCallister, T., AuthorCalloni, E., AuthorCamp, J. B., AuthorCannon, K. C., AuthorCao, J., AuthorCapano, C.2, Author           Capocasa, E., AuthorCarbognani, F., AuthorCaride, S., AuthorCasanueva Diaz, J. , AuthorCasentini, C., AuthorCaudill, S., AuthorCavaglià, M., AuthorCavalier, F., AuthorCavalieri, R., AuthorCella, G., AuthorCepeda, C. B., AuthorCerboni Baiardi, L. , AuthorCerretani, G., AuthorCesarini, E., AuthorChamberlin, S. J., AuthorChan, M., AuthorChao, S., AuthorCharlton, P., AuthorChassande-Mottin, E., AuthorCheeseboro, B. D., AuthorChen, H. Y., AuthorChen, Y., AuthorCheng, C., AuthorChincarini, A., AuthorChiummo, A., AuthorCho, H. S., AuthorCho, M., AuthorChow, J. H., AuthorChristensen, N., AuthorChu, Q., AuthorChua, S., AuthorChung, S., AuthorCiani, G., AuthorClara, F., AuthorClark, J. A., AuthorCleva, F., AuthorCoccia, E., AuthorCohadon, P.-F., AuthorColla, A., AuthorCollette, C. G., AuthorCominsky, L., AuthorConstancio, M., AuthorConte , A., AuthorConti, L., AuthorCook, D., AuthorCorbitt, T. R., AuthorCornish, N., AuthorCorsi, A., AuthorCortese, S., AuthorCosta, C. A., AuthorCoughlin, M. W., AuthorCoughlin, S. B., AuthorCoulon, J.-P., AuthorCountryman, S. T., AuthorCouvares, P., AuthorCowan, E. E., AuthorCoward, D. M., AuthorCowart, M. J., AuthorCoyne, D. C., AuthorCoyne, R., AuthorCraig, K., AuthorCreighton, J. D. E., AuthorCripe, J., AuthorCrowder, S. G., AuthorCumming, A., AuthorCunningham, L., AuthorCuoco, E., AuthorDal Canton, T. , AuthorDanilishin, S. L., AuthorD’Antonio, S., AuthorDanzmann, K.1, Author           Darman, N. S., AuthorDasgupta, A., AuthorDa Silva Costa, C. F. , AuthorDattilo, V., AuthorDave, I., AuthorDavier, M., AuthorDavies, G. S., AuthorDaw, E. J., AuthorDay, R., AuthorDe, S., AuthorDeBra, D., AuthorDebreczeni, G., AuthorDegallaix, J.1, Author           De Laurentis, M. , AuthorDeléglise, S., AuthorDel Pozzo, W. , AuthorDenker, T., AuthorDent, T.2, Author           Dergachev, V., AuthorDeRosa, R. , AuthorDeRosa, R. T., AuthorDeSalvo, R., AuthorDevine, R. C., AuthorDhurandhar, S., AuthorDíaz, M. C., AuthorFiore, L. 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1Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24010              
2Observational Relativity and Cosmology, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24011              
3Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              
4Astrophysical Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24013              




 Dates: 20162016
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Physical Review X
  Abbreviation : Phys. Rev. X
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: New York, NY : American Physical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 6 Sequence Number: 041014 Start / End Page: - Identifier: Other: 2160-3308
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/2160-3308