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  Muon capture on light isotopes measured with the Double Chooz detector

Abe, Y., Abrahao, T., Almazan, H., Alt, C., Appel, S., Barriere, J. C., et al. (2016). Muon capture on light isotopes measured with the Double Chooz detector. Physical Review C, 93(5): 054608. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054608.

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Abe, Y.1, Author
Abrahao, T.1, Author
Almazan, Helena2, Author           
Alt, C.1, Author
Appel, S.1, Author
Barriere, J. C.1, Author
Baussan, E.1, Author
Bekman, I.1, Author
Bergevin, M.1, Author
Bezerra, T. J. C.1, Author
Bezrukov, L.1, Author
Blucher, E.1, Author
Brugiere, T.1, Author
Buck, C.2, Author           
Busenitz, J.1, Author
Cabrera, A.1, Author
Camilleri, L.1, Author
Carr, R.1, Author
Cerrada, M.1, Author
Chauveau, E.1, Author
Chimenti, P.1, AuthorCollin, Antoine2, Author           Conover, E.1, AuthorConrad, J. M.1, AuthorCrespo-Anadon, J. I.1, AuthorCrum, K.1, AuthorCucoanes, A. S.1, AuthorDamon, E.1, AuthorDawson, J. V.1, AuthorDe Kerret, H.1, AuthorDhooghe, J.1, AuthorDietrich, D.1, AuthorDjurcic, Z.1, Authordos Anjos, J. C.1, AuthorDracos, M.1, AuthorEtenko, A.1, AuthorFallot, M.1, AuthorFelde, J.1, AuthorFernandes, S. M.1, AuthorFischer, V.1, AuthorFranco, D.1, AuthorFranke, M.1, AuthorFuruta, H.1, AuthorGil-Botella, I.1, AuthorGiot, L.1, AuthorGoeger-Neff, M.1, AuthorGomez, H.1, AuthorGonzalez, L. F. G.1, AuthorGoodenough, L.1, AuthorGoodman, M. C.1, AuthorHaag, N.1, AuthorHara, T.1, AuthorHaser, Julia2, Author           Hellwig, D.1, AuthorHofmann, M.1, AuthorHorton-Smith, G. A.1, AuthorHourlier, A.1, AuthorIshitsuka, M.1, AuthorJochum, J.1, AuthorJollet, C.1, AuthorKaether, Florian2, Author           Kalousis, L. N.1, AuthorKamyshkov, Y.1, AuthorKaneda, M.1, AuthorKaplan, D. M.1, AuthorKawasaki, T.1, AuthorKemp, E.1, AuthorKryn, D.1, AuthorKuze, M.1, AuthorLachenmaier, T.1, AuthorLane, C. E.1, AuthorLasserre, T.1, AuthorLetourneau, A.1, AuthorLhuillier, D.1, AuthorLima Jr., H. P.1, AuthorLindner, Manfred2, Author           Lopez-Castano, J. M.1, AuthorLoSecco, J. M.1, AuthorLubsandorzhiev, B.1, AuthorLucht, S.1, AuthorMaeda, J.1, AuthorMariani, C.1, AuthorMaricic, J.1, AuthorMartino, J.1, AuthorMatsubara, T.1, AuthorMention, G.1, AuthorMeregaglia, A.1, AuthorMiletic, T.1, AuthorMilincic, R.1, AuthorMinotti, A.1, AuthorNagasaka, Y.1, AuthorNavas-Nicolas, D.1, AuthorNovella, P.1, AuthorOberauer, L.1, AuthorObolensky, M.1, AuthorOnillon, A.1, AuthorOsborn, A.1, AuthorPalomares, C.1, AuthorPepe, I. M.1, AuthorPerasso, S.1, AuthorPorta, A.1, AuthorPronost, G.1, AuthorReichenbacher, J.1, AuthorReinhold, Bernd2, Author           Roehling, M.1, AuthorRoncin, R.1, AuthorRybolt, B.1, AuthorSakamoto, Y.1, AuthorSantorelli, R.1, AuthorSchilithz, A. C.1, AuthorSchoenert, S.1, AuthorSchoppmann, S.1, AuthorShaevitz, M. H.1, AuthorSharankova, R.1, AuthorShrestha, D.1, AuthorSibille, V.1, AuthorSinev, V.1, AuthorSkorokhvatov, M.1, AuthorSmith, E.1, AuthorSoiron, M.1, AuthorSpitz, J.1, AuthorStahl, A.1, AuthorStancu, I.1, AuthorStokes, L. F. F.1, AuthorStrait, M.1, AuthorSuekane, F.1, AuthorSukhotin, S.1, AuthorSumiyoshi, T.1, AuthorSun, Y.1, AuthorSvoboda, R.1, AuthorTerao, K.1, AuthorTonazzo, A.1, AuthorThi, H. H. Trinh1, AuthorValdiviesso, G.1, AuthorVassilopoulos, N.1, AuthorVeyssiere, C.1, AuthorVivier, M.1, Authorvon Feilitzsch, F.1, AuthorWagner, S.1, AuthorWalsh, N.1, AuthorWatanabe, Hideki2, Author           Wiebusch, C.1, AuthorWurm, M.1, AuthorYang, G.1, AuthorYermia, F.1, AuthorZimmer, V.1, Author more..
1external, ou_persistent22              
2Division Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_904549              




 Dates: 2016-05-12
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: 18
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054608
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Physical Review C
  Other : Phys. Rev. C
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: New York, NY : American Physical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 93 (5) Sequence Number: 054608 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0556-2813
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954925225009