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  Actors, Institutional Change and Reproduction: The Colombian Case of Racial Exclusion and Local Socio-Economic Performance 1886-1950

España Eljaiek, I. R. (2016). Actors, Institutional Change and Reproduction: The Colombian Case of Racial Exclusion and Local Socio-Economic Performance 1886-1950. PhD Thesis, University of Cologne, Cologne.

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España Eljaiek, Irina Rosa1, Autor           
1International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society, ou_1214550              


Schlagwörter: Institutional change; Institutional reproduction; Local socio-economic performance; Racial exclusion; Colombia
 Zusammenfassung: This research analyzes the effects of an informal exclusionary institution on local socio-economic outcomes. Specifically, focusing on the Afro-descendant population, it analyzes the effects of the informal institution of racial exclusion on local socio-economic outcomes in Colombia in the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries.

The study pursues two major research aims. First, I identify the effect of racial exclusion on socio-economic outcomes. Second, I study how racial exclusion and socio-economic outcomes are causally linked. In other words, I identify a theoretical mechanism. In order to accomplish these research aims, I take a multimethod approach. I use quantitative techniques to estimate the effects of racial exclusion on socio-economic outcomes, and I apply qualitative theory-building process-tracing to identify a theoretical mechanism between racial exclusion and socio-economic outcomes - namely, public good provision.

The quantitative results show that racial exclusion has negative effects on socio-economic outcomes in the Colombian case. They indicate that municipalities with a higher share of Afro-descendant individuals have a lower provision of public goods for development, and a lower level of economic performance. The qualitative analysis identifies a theoretical "mechanism of reaction" between the informal exclusionary institution and local socio-economic outcomes. According to this hypothesis, the informal institution of racial exclusion shapes three specific actors: non-aggrieved actors, mid-aggrieved actors, and aggrieved actors, all of whom react to the exclusionary institution by displaying five different types of behavior: adoption, adaptation, non-cooperation, revision, and contestation of the informal exclusionary institution. These types of behavior, in turn, either alter or reinforce the informal exclusionary institution. The results indicate that alterations and reinforcements have effects on socio-economic outcomes when actors' behavior is related to initiatives for the local political economy of public good provision. Hence, behavior such as adoption, adaptation, and non-cooperation facilitates low public good provision. In contrast, revision and contestation tend to facilitate effective initiatives for better public good provision.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2016-06-022016
 Publikationsstatus: Erschienen
 Seiten: IV, 299
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Cologne : University of Cologne
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: Chapter 1  Introduction
1.1  Overview
1.2  Colombian racial order
1.3  Research questions
1.4  How does the literature answer these questions?
1.4.1  What affects differences in socio-economic outcomes
1.4.2  Racial studies and effects on socio-economic outcomes
1.4.3  What affects local socio-economic outcomes in the Colombian case
1.4.4  Alternative explanations of the how question
1.5  Racial exclusion and local socio-economic outcomes and historical institutional explanation
1.6  The Colombian case, data resources, empirical strategies and case study
Chapter 2  Theoretical Approach
2.1  Historical institutionalism and the study of racial exclusion
2.2  Hypotheses
2.3  Systematized concepts
2.3.1  Racial exclusion: background concept
2.3.2  Racial exclusion as institution
2.3.3  Socio-economic outcomes
2.3.4  Actors
2.3.5  Behaviors or regular practices of actors
2.4  Theoretical argument for scope conditions: context of structural inequalities and tacit ideologies of differences
Chapter 3  Methodology
3.1  Why multimethod approach?
3.2  Quantitative approach
3.2.1  Racial exclusion, public good provision and local performance
3.2.2  Data
3.2.3  Empirical strategy: defining dependent and independent variables
3.3  Qualitative approach: Process tracing
3.3.1  Why process tracing and Why theory building process tracing
3.3.2  Sources
3.3.3  Description of the data
3.3.4  Why late 19th and mid-20th century
3.4  Operationalization: theoretical Concepts in the process tracing approach
3.4.1  Operationalizing the cause: racial exclusion
3.4.2  Identifying the outcome or dependent variable: socio-economic outcomes
3.4.3  Identifying Actors
3.5  Selecting the case
3.5.1  A typical case of racial exclusion
3.5.2  A typical case of low public good provision
3.5.3  The region of Chocó: general description
3.5.4  Chocó, the special regime and the case selection strategy
Chapter 4  Quantitative analysis
4.1  Data analysis and descriptive outcomes
4.1.1  Public good provision for development
4.1.2  Economic performance
4.1.3  Racial composition
4.2  Regression analysis: results
4.3  Robustness
Chapter 5  Process tracing analysis
5.1  The mechanism of reaction
5.2  Evidence of the cause: racial exclusion
5.2.1  Direct forms of racial exclusion, indigenous population
5.3  The mechanism: Actors and regular behaviors
5.3.1  No-aggrieved actors
5.3.2  Mid-aggrieved actors regular practices and conditions: black elites
5.3.3  Aggrieved actors regular practices and conditions: the bulk of afro-descendant population
5.4  Scope conditions
5.4.1  Political inequalities
5.4.2  Economic inequalities
5.4.3  Tacit ideology of differences
Chapter 6  The mechanism: theory implications
6.1  General overview of the mechanism of reaction
6.2  No-aggrieved actors and local public good provision
6.3  Mid-aggrieved actors and local public good provision
6.4  Aggrieved actors and local public good provision
6.5  Limitations of the mechanism
6.6  Potential case studies for testing the hypothesis of the mechanism: The informal institution of racial exclusion and local socio-economic outcomes in La Sierra Peru and Costa Chica Mexico
6.6.1  The informal institution of racial exclusion in the Peruvian Andean region: the case of la Sierra Peru
6.6.2  The informal institution of racial exclusion in Costa Chica Mexico and afro Mexicans
6.6.3  Further challenges for the theory testing
Chapter 7  Conclusions and final discussions
7.1  Summary
7.2  Implications
7.2.1  Implications for the literature on institutional effects on socio-economic outcomes
7.2.2  Complementary perspective to analyze racial issues
7.2.3  Alternative historical institutional explanation in the Colombian literature
Historical Archives and newspapers
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
 Art der Begutachtung: -
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.17617/2.2359272
ISBN: 978-3-946416-16-6
URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-75975
 Art des Abschluß: Doktorarbeit







Quelle 1

Titel: Studies on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy. IMPRS-SPCE
Genre der Quelle: Reihe
International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society, Herausgeber              
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
Seiten: - Band / Heft: - Artikelnummer: - Start- / Endseite: - Identifikator: -