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  Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness

Bigdeli, T. B., Ripke, S., Bacanu, S.-A., Lee, S. H., Wray, N. R., Gejman, P. V., et al. (2016). Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 171 B(2), 276-289. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.32402.

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Bigdeli, Tim B., Autor
Ripke, Stephan, Autor
Bacanu, Silviu-Alin, Autor
Lee, Sang Hong, Autor
Wray, Naomi R., Autor
Gejman, Pablo V., Autor
Rietschel, Marcella, Autor
Cichon, Sven, Autor
St Clair, David, Autor
Corvin, Aiden, Autor
Kirov, George, Autor
McQuillin, Andrew, Autor
Gurling, Hugh, Autor
Rujescu, Dan, Autor
Andreassen, Ole A., Autor
Werge, Thomas, Autor
Blackwood, Douglas H. R., Autor
Pato, Carlos N., Autor
Pato, Michele T., Autor
Malhotra, Anil K., Autor
O'Donovan, Michael C., AutorKendler, Kenneth S., AutorFanous, Ayman H., AutorSchizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Autor              Ripke, Stephan , AutorNeale, Benjamin M , AutorCorvin, Aiden , AutorWalters, James T.R., AutorFarh, Kai-How , AutorHolmans, Peter A. , AutorLee, Phil , AutorBulik-Sullivan, Brendan, AutorCollier, David A., AutorHuang, Hailiang , AutorPers, Tune H., AutorAgartz, Ingrid , AutorAgerbo, Esben , AutorAlbus, Margot, AutorAlexander, Madeline , AutorAmin, Farooq , AutorBacanu, Silviu A., AutorBegemann, Martin1, Autor           Belliveau Jr, Richard A., AutorBene, Judit, AutorBergen, Sarah E , AutorBevilacqua, Elizabeth , AutorBigdeli, Tim B. , AutorBlack, Donald W., AutorBruggeman, Richard , AutorBuccola, Nancy G., AutorBuckner, Randy L., AutorByerley, William , AutorCahn, Wiepke , AutorCai, Guiqing , AutorCampion, Dominique , AutorCantor, Rita M., AutorCarr, Vaughan J., AutorCarrera, Noa , AutorCatts, Stanley V , AutorChambert, Kimberley D. , AutorChan, Raymond C.K. , AutorChan, Ronald Y.L., AutorChen, Eric Y.H., AutorCheng, Wei , AutorCheung, Eric F.C. , AutorChong, Siow Ann , AutorCloninger, C. Robert , AutorCohen, David , AutorCohen, Nadine , AutorCormican, Paul , AutorCraddock, Nick , AutorCrowley, James J. , AutorCurtis, David , AutorDavidson, Michael , AutorDavis, Kenneth L., AutorDegenhardt, Franziska , AutorDel Favero, Jurgen , AutorDemontis, Ditte , AutorDikeos, Dimitris, AutorDinan, Timothy , AutorDjurovic, Srdjan , AutorDonohoe, Gary , AutorDrapeau, Elodie , AutorDuan, Jubao , AutorDudbridge, Frank , AutorDurmishi, Naser , AutorEichhammer, Peter , AutorEriksson, Johan , AutorEscott-Price, Valentina, AutorEssioux, Laurent , AutorFanous, Ayman H., AutorFarrell, Martilias S., AutorFrank, Josef , AutorFranke, Lude , AutorFreedman, Robert , AutorFreimer, Nelson B., AutorFriedl, Marion , AutorFriedman, Joseph I., AutorFromer, Menachem , AutorGenovese, Giulio , AutorGeorgieva, Lyudmila , AutorGiegling, Ina , AutorGiusti-Rodríguez, Paola , AutorGodard, Stephanie , AutorGoldstein, Jacqueline I., AutorGolimbet, Vera , AutorGopal, Srihari , AutorGratten, Jacob, Autorde Haan, Lieuwe , AutorHammer, Christian1, Autor           Hamshere, Marian L., AutorHansen, Mark , AutorHansen, Thomas , AutorHaroutunian, Vahram, AutorHartmann, Annette M., AutorHenskens, Frans A., AutorHerms, Stefan , AutorHirschhorn, Joel N., AutorHoffmann, Per , AutorHofman, Andrea , AutorHollegaard, Mads V., AutorIkeda, Masashi, AutorJoa, Inge , AutorJulià, Antonio , AutorKahn, Rene S., AutorKalaydjieva, Luba , AutorKarachanak-Yankova, Sena , AutorKarjalainen, Juha, AutorKavanagh, David, AutorKeller, Matthew C., AutorKennedy, James L., AutorKhrunin, Andrey , AutorKim, Yunjung , AutorKlovins, Janis , AutorKnowles, James A., AutorKonte, Bettina , AutorKucinskas, Vaidutis , AutorKucinskiene, Zita Ausrele, AutorKuzelova-Ptackova, Hana , AutorKähler, Anna K., AutorLaurent, Claudine , AutorLee, Jimmy , AutorLee, S. Hong , AutorLegge, Sophie E., AutorLerer, Bernard , AutorLi, Miaoxin , AutorLi, Tao , AutorLiang, Kung-Yee, AutorLieberman, Jeffrey , AutorLimborska, Svetlana , AutorLoughland, Carmel M., AutorLubinski, Jan , AutorLönnqvist, Jouko , AutorMacek, Milan, AutorMagnusson, Patrik K.E. , AutorMaher, Brion S., AutorMaier, Wolfgang, AutorMallet, Jacques , AutorMarsal, Sara , AutorMattheisen, Manuel , AutorMattingsdal, Morten , AutorMcCarley, Robert W. , AutorMcDonald, Colm , AutorMcIntosh, Andrew M., AutorMeier, Sandra , AutorMeijer, Carin J. , AutorMelegh, Bela , AutorMelle, Ingrid, AutorMesholam-Gately, Raquelle I., AutorMetspalu, Andres , AutorMichie, Patricia T., AutorMilani, Lili , AutorMilanova, Vihra , AutorMokrab, Younes , AutorMorris, Derek W., AutorMors, Ole , AutorMurphy, Kieran C., AutorMurray, Robin M., AutorMyin-Germeys, Inez , AutorMüller-Myhsok, Bertram, AutorNelis, Mari , AutorNenadic, Igor , AutorNertney, Deborah A., AutorNestadt, Gerald , AutorNicodemus, Kristin K., AutorNikitina-Zake, Liene, AutorNisenbaum, Laura , AutorNordin, Annelie , AutorO’Callaghan, Eadbhard, AutorO’Dushlaine, Colm , AutorO’Neill, F. Anthony , AutorOh, Sang-Yun, AutorOlincy, Ann , AutorOlsen, Line , AutorVan Os, Jim , AutorPantelis, Christos , AutorPapadimitriou, George N., AutorPapiol, Sergi1, Autor           Parkhomenko, Elena , AutorPato, Michele T., AutorPaunio, Tiina , AutorPejovic-Milovancevic, Milica , AutorPerkins, Diana O. , AutorPietiläinen, Olli , AutorPimm, Jonathan , AutorPocklington, Andrew J., AutorPosthuma, Danielle, AutorPowell, John , AutorPrice, Alkes , AutorPulver, Ann E., AutorPurcell, Shaun , AutorQuested, Digby , AutorRasmussen, Henrik B., AutorReichenberg, Abraham , AutorReimers, Mark A., AutorRichards, Alexander L., AutorRoffman, Joshua L., AutorRoussos, Panos , AutorRuderfer, Douglas M. , AutorSalomaa, Veikko , AutorSanders, Alan R., AutorSchall, Ulrich, AutorSchubert, Christian R., AutorSchulze, Thomas G., AutorSchwab, Sibylle G, AutorScolnick, Edward M., AutorScott, Rodney J., AutorSeidman, Larry J., AutorShi, Jianxin, AutorSigurdsson, Engilbert , AutorSilagadze, Teimuraz , AutorSilverman, Jeremy M., AutorSim, Kang , AutorSlominsky, Petr , AutorSmoller, Jordan W., AutorSo, Hon-Cheong, AutorSpencer, Chris C. A. , AutorStahl, Eli A., AutorStefansson, Hreinn , AutorSteinberg, Stacy , AutorStogmann, Elisabeth , AutorStraub, Richard E., AutorStrengman, Eric , AutorStrohmaier, Jana , AutorStroup, T. Scott , AutorSubramaniam, Mythily, AutorSuvisaari, Jaana , AutorSvrakic, Dragan M., AutorSzatkiewicz, Jin P., AutorSöderman, Erik , AutorThirumalai, Srinivas, AutorToncheva, Draga, AutorTosato, Sarah, AutorVeijola, Juha , AutorVisscher, Peter M., AutorWaddington, John , AutorWalsh, Dermot, AutorWang, Dai , AutorWang, Qiang, AutorWebb, Bradley T., AutorWeiser, Mark, AutorWiersma, Durk , AutorWildenauer, Dieter B., AutorWilliams, Nigel M., AutorWilliams, Stephanie, AutorWitt, Stephanie H., AutorWolen, Aaron R., AutorWong, Emily H.M., AutorWormley, Brandon K., AutorXi, Hualin Simon, AutorZai, Clement C., AutorZheng, Xuebin , AutorZimprich, Fritz, AutorWray, Naomi R., AutorStefansson, Kari, AutorWellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium, Autor              Adolfsson, Rolf , AutorAndreassen, Ole A., AutorBlackwood, Douglas H.R., AutorBramon, Elvira, AutorBuxbaum, Joseph D., AutorBorglum, Anders D., AutorCichon, Sven , AutorDarvasi, Ariel, AutorDomenici, Enrico , AutorEhrenreich, Hannelore1, Autor           Esko, Tonu, AutorGejman, Pablo, AutorGill, Michael , AutorGurling, Hugh, AutorHultman, Christina M., AutorIwata, Nakao, AutorJablensky, Assen V., AutorJönsson, Erik G., AutorKendler, Kenneth S., AutorKirov, George, AutorKnight, Jo, AutorLencz, Todd, AutorLevinson, Douglas F., AutorLi, Qingqin S., AutorLiu, Jianjiu, AutorMalhotra, Anil K., AutorMcCarroll, Steven A., AutorMcQuillin, Andrew, AutorMoran, Jennifer L., AutorMortensen, Preben B., AutorMowry, Bryan J., AutorNöthen, Markus M., AutorOphoff, Roel A., AutorOwen, Michael J., AutorPsychosis Endophenotypes International Consortium, Autor              Palotie, Aarno, AutorPato, Carlos N., AutorPetryshen, Tracey L., AutorRietschel, Marcella , AutorRiley, Brien P., AutorRujescu, Dan, AutorSham, Pak C., AutorSklar, Pamela, AutorSt Clair, David, AutorWeinberger, Daniel R., AutorWendland, Jens R., AutorWerge, Thomas, AutorDaly, Mark J., AutorSullivan, Patrick F., AutorO'Donovan, Michael C., Autor mehr..
1Clinical neuroscience, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Max Planck Society, ou_2173651              


Schlagwörter: classification, etiologic heterogeneity, family history, gwas, polygenic, risk, schizophrenia, snps
 Zusammenfassung: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of schizophrenia have yielded more than 100 common susceptibility variants, and strongly support a substantial polygenic contribution of a large number of small allelic effects. It has been hypothesized that familial schizophrenia is largely a consequence of inherited rather than environmental factors. We investigated the extent to which familiality of schizophrenia is associated with enrichment for common risk variants detectable in a large GWAS. We analyzed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for cases reporting a family history of psychotic illness (N=978), cases reporting no such family history (N=4,503), and unscreened controls (N=8,285) from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC1) study of schizophrenia. We used a multinomial logistic regression approach with model-fitting to detect allelic effects specific to either family history subgroup. We also considered a polygenic model, in which we tested whether family history positive subjects carried more schizophrenia risk alleles than family history negative subjects, on average. Several individual SNPs attained suggestive but not genome-wide significant association with either family history subgroup. Comparison of genome-wide polygenic risk scores based on GWAS summary statistics indicated a significant enrichment for SNP effects among family history positive compared to family history negative cases (Nagelkerke's R-2=0.0021; P=0.00331; P-value threshold <0.4). Estimates of variability in disease liability attributable to the aggregate effect of genome-wide SNPs were significantly greater for family history positive compared to family history negative cases (0.32 and 0.22, respectively; P=0.031). We found suggestive evidence of allelic effects detectable in large GWAS of schizophrenia that might be specific to particular family history subgroups. However, consideration of a polygenic risk score indicated a significant enrichment among family history positive cases for common allelic effects. Familial illness might, therefore, represent a more heritable form of schizophrenia, as suggested by previous epidemiological studies. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2015-12-112016
 Publikationsstatus: Erschienen
 Seiten: -
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: -
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32402
 Art des Abschluß: -







Quelle 1

Titel: American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics
  Alternativer Titel : Am. J. Med. Genet. B
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 171 B (2) Artikelnummer: - Start- / Endseite: 276 - 289 Identifikator: ISBN: 1552-4841