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Na+/K+-ATPase in membranous preparations from the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias has been spin-labelled either on Class I -SH groups, which maintain overall ATPase activity, or on Class II -SH groups, for which only phosphorylation activity is preserved. Labelling of the Class I groups requires solubilization of the membranes and subsequent reconstitution by precipitation with Mn2+ in order to remove contaminating peripheral proteins, which are also labelled. Control experiments with preparations in which the Class II groups are labelled demonstrate that the mobility and aggregation state of the enzyme in the reconstituted membranes are similar to those in the native membrane. Both the conventional maleimide nitroxide derivative and a new benzoylvinyl nitroxide derivative have been used for the labelling. The segmental mobility of the labels and the overall rotational diffusion of the labelled protein have been investigated using saturation transfer ESR spectroscopy. The benzoylvinyl spin-label derivative offers particular advantages for the study of the protein rotational mobility in that the segmental mobility is considerably reduced relative to that observed with the maleimide derivative. This is especially the case for the Class I groups, where the maleimide label exhibits pronounced segmental mobility. Comparison of the results from the two labels indicates that the integral of the saturation-transfer spectrum is much more sensitive to segmental motion than are the diagnostic lineheight ratios. This fact allows a better level of discrimination between the two types of motion. The results from the benzoylvinyl nitroxide-labelled Class I groups suggest that the Na+/K+-ATPase is probably present as an (αβ)2-diprotomer (or higher oligomer) in the native membrane.