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  XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer

Soffitta, P., Bellazzini, R., Bozzo, E., Burwitz, V., Castro-Tirado, A., Costa, E., et al. (2016). XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer. In J.-W.-A. Den Herder, T. Takahashi, & M. Bautz (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (pp. 1-20).

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Soffitta, P., Author
Bellazzini, R., Author
Bozzo, E., Author
Burwitz, V.1, Author           
Castro-Tirado, A., Author
Costa, E., Author
Courvoisier, T., Author
Feng, H., Author
Gburek, S., Author
Goosmann, R., Author
Karas, V., Author
Matt, G., Author
Muleri, F., Author
Nandra, K.1, Author           
Pearce, M., Author
Poutanen, J., Author
Reglero, V., Author
Maria, D. Sabau, Author
Santangelo, A., Author
Tagliaferri, G., Author
Tenzer, C., AuthorVink, J., AuthorWeisskopf, M. C., AuthorZane, S., AuthorAgudo, I., AuthorAntonelli, A., AuthorAttina, P., AuthorBaldini, L., AuthorBykov, A., AuthorCarpentiero, R., AuthorCavazzuti, E., AuthorChurazov, E.2, Author           Monte, E. Del, AuthorMartino, D. De, AuthorDonnarumma, I., AuthorDoroshenko, V., AuthorEvangelista, Y., AuthorFerreira, I., AuthorGallo, E., AuthorGrosso, N., AuthorKaaret, P., AuthorKuulkers, E., AuthorLaranaga, J., AuthorLatronico, L., AuthorLumb, D. H., AuthorMacian, J., AuthorMalzac, J., AuthorMarin, F., AuthorMassaro, E., AuthorMinuti, M., AuthorMundell, C., AuthorNess, J. U., AuthorOosterbroek, T., AuthorPaltani, S., AuthorPareschi, G., AuthorPerna, R., AuthorPetrucci, P.-O., AuthorPinazo, H. B., AuthorPinchera, M., AuthorRodriguez, J. P., AuthorRoncadelli, M., AuthorSantovincenzo, A., AuthorSazonov, S., AuthorSgro, C., AuthorSpiga, D., AuthorSvoboda, J., AuthorTheobald, C., AuthorTheodorou, T., AuthorTurolla, R., Authorde Ona, E. Wilhelmi, AuthorWinter, B., AuthorAkbar, A. M., AuthorAllan, H., AuthorAloisio, R., AuthorAltamirano, D., AuthorAmati, L., AuthorAmato, E., AuthorAngelakis, E., AuthorArezu, J., AuthorAtteia, J.-L., AuthorAxelsson, M., AuthorBachetti, M., AuthorBallo, L., AuthorBalman, S., AuthorBandiera, R., AuthorBarcons, X., AuthorBasso, S., AuthorBaykal, A., AuthorBecker, W.1, Author           Behar, E., AuthorBeheshtipour, B., AuthorBelmont, R., AuthorBerger, E., AuthorBernardini, F., AuthorBianchi, S., AuthorBisnovatyi-Kogan, G., AuthorBlasi, P., AuthorBlay, P., AuthorBodaghee, A., AuthorBoer, M., AuthorBoettcher, M., AuthorBogdanov, S., AuthorBombaci, I., AuthorBonino, R., AuthorBraga, J., AuthorBrandt, W., AuthorBrez, A., AuthorBucciantini, N., AuthorBurderi, L., AuthorCaiazzo, I., AuthorCampana, R., AuthorCampana, S., AuthorCapitanio, F., AuthorCappi, M., AuthorCardillo, M., AuthorCasella, P., AuthorCatmabacak, O., AuthorCenko, B., AuthorCerda-Duran, P., AuthorCerruti, C., AuthorChaty, S., AuthorChauvin, M., AuthorChen, Y., AuthorChenevez, J., AuthorChernyakova, M., AuthorCheung, C. C. T., AuthorChristodoulou, D., AuthorConnell, P., AuthorCorbet, R., AuthorZelati, F. Coti, AuthorCovino, S., AuthorCui, W., AuthorCusumano, G., AuthorD’Ai, A., AuthorD’Ammando, F., AuthorDadina, M., AuthorDai, Z., AuthorRosa, A. De, Authorde Ruvo, L., AuthorDegenaar, N., AuthorSanto, M. Del, AuthorZanna, L. Del, AuthorDewangan, G., AuthorCosimo, S. Di, AuthorLalla, N. Di, AuthorPersio, G. Di, AuthorSalvo, T. Di, AuthorDias, T., AuthorDone, C., AuthorDovciak, M., AuthorDoyle, G., AuthorDucci, L., AuthorElsner, R., AuthorEnoto, T., AuthorEscada, J., AuthorEsposito, P., AuthorEyles, C., AuthorFabiani, S., AuthorFalanga, M., AuthorFalocco, S., AuthorFan, Y., AuthorFender, R., AuthorFeroci, M., AuthorFerrigno, C., AuthorForman, W., AuthorFoschini, L., AuthorFragile, C., AuthorFuerst, F., AuthorFujita, Y., AuthorGasent-Blesa, J. L., AuthorGelfand, J., AuthorGendre, B., AuthorGhirlanda, G., AuthorGhisellini, G., AuthorGiroletti, M., AuthorGoetz, D., AuthorGogus, E., AuthorGomez, J.-L., AuthorGonzalez, D., AuthorGonzalez-Riestra, R., AuthorGotthelf, E., AuthorGou, L., AuthorGrandi, P., AuthorGrinberg, V., AuthorGrise, F., AuthorGuidorzi, C., AuthorGurlebeck, N., AuthorGuver, T., AuthorHaggard, D., AuthorHardcastle, M., AuthorHartmann, D., AuthorHaswell, C., AuthorHeger, A., AuthorHernanz, M., AuthorHeyl, J., AuthorHo, L., AuthorHoormann, J., AuthorHorak, J., AuthorHuovelin, J., AuthorHuppenkothen, D., AuthorIaria, R., AuthorSitki, C. Inam, AuthorIngram, A., AuthorIsrael, G., AuthorIzzo, L., AuthorBurgess, M., AuthorJackson, M., AuthorJi, L., AuthorJiang, J., AuthorJohannsen, T., Author more..
1High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159890              
2High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Astrophysics, Max Planck Society, ou_159881              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2016
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1117/12.2233046
Other: LOCALID: 2397761
 Degree: -


Title: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray
Place of Event: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Start-/End Date: 2016-06-26 - 2016-06-26

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Project information


Source 1

Title: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray
Source Genre: Proceedings
Den Herder, Jan-Willem A., Editor
Takahashi, Tadayuki, Editor
Bautz, Marshall, Editor
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: - Sequence Number: 990515 Start / End Page: 1 - 20 Identifier: ISBN: 978-1-5106-0189-5
ISBN: 978-1-5106-0190-1

Source 2

Title: Proceedings of SPIE
Source Genre: Series
Publ. Info: Bellingham, WA, USA : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 9905 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0277-786X