Präzisionsexperimente - Abteilung Blaum
The Penning-trap experiment Alphatrap, where the first single in-trap produced
ions could be observed recently, is located at the Max-Plack-Institut für Kernphysik
in Heidelberg. Alphatrap is a follow-up to the Mainz g-factor experiment with the
aim to measure the g-factor of the bound electron in heavy ions up to hydrogenlike
208Pb81+. These ions are externally produced and will be injected into the
trap via an ultra-high vacuum beamline. To increase the precision of the future
measurements, sympathetic laser cooling via 9Be+ ions is to be implemented into
the setup. This will remove temperature as one of the main limitations of current
measurement precision as well as allowing completely new measurement schemes
by cooling to the few mK range. The production of beryllium ions requires a
dedicated ion source. For this purpose, a laser ion source (LIS) was designed, built
and tested in the context of this thesis and will be implemented in the existing
beamline. The LIS has shown to successfully produce and allow an extraction of
about 3 × 107 9Be+ ions per laser pulse. The yield and the beam quality of the
produced ions fulfills the required conditions of the Alphatrap experiment.