Belowground sediment oxygenation in rhizospheres of wetland plants promotes nutrient uptake, serve as protection against toxic reduced compounds and play an important role in wetland nutrient cycling. The presence of ~1.5-mm-wide oxic zones around roots of the intertidal marsh grass Spartina anglica was demonstrated below the sediment surface using planar optode technology recording 2D images of the sediment oxygen distribution. Oxic root zones were restricted to the root tips stretching up to 16 mm along the roots with an oxygen concentration up to 85 μmol L−1 detected at the root surface. Radial oxygen loss across the root surface ranged from 250 to 300 nmol m−2 s−1, which is comparable to other wetland plants. During air exposure of the aboveground biomass, atmospheric oxygen was the primary source for belowground oxygen transport, and light availability only had a minor effect on the belowground sediment oxygenation. During inundations completely submerging the aboveground biomass cutting off access to atmospheric oxygen, oxic root zones diminished significantly in the light and were completely eliminated in darkness. Within the time frame of a normal tidal inundation (~1.5 h), photosynthetic oxygen production maintained the presence of oxic root zones in light, whereas oxic root zones were eliminated within 1 h in darkness. The results show that the sediment oxygenation in Spartina anglica rhizospheres is temporally dynamic as well as spatially variable along the roots.