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  Insights into the emission of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 through unprecedented broadband observations during 2011 and 2012

Aleksić, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L., Antoranz, P., Arcaro, C., Babic, A., et al. (2016). Insights into the emission of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 through unprecedented broadband observations during 2011 and 2012. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 591: A10, pp. A10. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201527176.

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Aleksić, J.1, Author
Ansoldi, S.1, Author
Antonelli, L.A.1, Author
Antoranz, P.1, Author
Arcaro, C.1, Author
Babic, A.1, Author
Bangale, P.1, Author
Barres de Almeida, U.1, Author
Barrio, J.A.1, Author
Becerra González, J.1, Author
Bednarek, W.1, Author
Bernardini, E.1, Author
Biasuzzi, B.1, Author
Biland, A.1, Author
Blanch, O.1, Author
Bonnefoy, S.1, Author
Bonnoli, G.1, Author
Borracci, F.1, Author
Bretz, T.1, Author
Carmona, E.1, Author
Carosi, A.1, AuthorColin, P.1, AuthorColombo, E.1, AuthorContreras, J.L.1, AuthorCortina, J.1, AuthorCovino, S.1, AuthorDa Vela, P.1, AuthorDazzi, F.1, AuthorDe Angelis, A.1, AuthorDe Caneva, G.1, AuthorDe Lotto, B.1, Authorde Ona Wilhelmi, E.1, AuthorDelgado Mendez, C.1, AuthorDi Pierro, F.1, AuthorDominis Prester, D.1, AuthorDorner, D.1, AuthorDoro, M.1, AuthorEinecke, S.1, AuthorEisenacher, D.1, AuthorElsaesser, D.1, AuthorFernández-Barral, A.1, AuthorFidalgo, D.1, AuthorFonseca, M.V.1, AuthorFont, L.1, AuthorFrantzen, K.1, AuthorFruck, C.1, AuthorGalindo, D.1, AuthorGarcía López, R.J.1, AuthorGarczarczyk, M.1, AuthorGarrido Terrats, D.1, AuthorGaug, M.1, AuthorGodinović, N.1, AuthorGonzález Munoz, A.1, AuthorGozzini, S.R.1, AuthorHadasch, D.1, AuthorHanabata, Y.1, AuthorHayashida, M.1, AuthorHerrera, J.1, AuthorHose, J.1, AuthorHrupec, D.1, AuthorIdec, W.1, AuthorKadenius, V.1, AuthorKellermann, H.1, AuthorKnoetig, M.L.1, AuthorKodani, K.1, AuthorKonno, Y.1, AuthorKrause, J.1, AuthorKubo, H.1, AuthorKushida, J.1, AuthorLa Barbera, A.1, AuthorLelas, D.1, AuthorLewandowska, N.1, AuthorLindfors, E.1, AuthorLombardi, S.1, AuthorLongo, F.1, AuthorLópez, M.1, AuthorLópez-Coto, R.1, AuthorLópez-Oramas, A.1, AuthorLorenz, E.1, AuthorLozano, I.1, AuthorMakariev, M.1, AuthorMallot, K.1, AuthorManeva, G.1, AuthorMannheim, K.1, AuthorMaraschi, L.1, AuthorMarcote, B.1, AuthorMariotti, M.1, AuthorMartínez, M.1, AuthorMazin, D.1, AuthorMenzel, U.1, AuthorMiranda, J.M.1, AuthorMirzoyan, R.1, AuthorMoralejo, A.1, AuthorMunar-Adrover, P.1, AuthorNakajima, D.1, AuthorNeustroev, V.1, AuthorNiedzwiecki, A.1, AuthorNievas Rosillo, M.1, AuthorNilsson, K.1, AuthorNishijima, K.1, AuthorNoda, K.1, AuthorOrito, R.1, AuthorOverkemping, A.1, AuthorPaiano, S.1, AuthorPalatiello, M.1, AuthorPaneque, D.1, AuthorPaoletti, R.1, AuthorParedes, J.M.1, AuthorParedes-Fortuny, X.1, AuthorPersic, M.1, AuthorPoutanen, J.1, AuthorPrada Moroni, P.G.1, AuthorPrandini, E.1, AuthorPuljak, I.1, AuthorReinthal, R.1, AuthorRhode, W.1, AuthorRibó, M.1, AuthorRico, J.1, AuthorRodriguez Garcia, J.1, AuthorSaito, T.1, AuthorSaito, K.1, AuthorSatalecka, K.1, AuthorScalzotto, V.1, AuthorScapin, V.1, AuthorSchweizer, T.1, AuthorShore, S.N.1, AuthorSillanpää, A.1, AuthorSitarek, J.1, AuthorSnidaric, I.1, AuthorSobczynska, D.1, AuthorStamerra, A.1, AuthorSteinbring, T.1, AuthorStrzys, M.1, AuthorTakalo, L.1, AuthorTakami, H.1, AuthorTavecchio, F.1, AuthorTemnikov, P.1, AuthorTerzić, T.1, AuthorTescaro, D.1, AuthorTeshima, M.1, AuthorThaele, J.1, AuthorTorres, D.F.1, AuthorToyama, T.1, AuthorTreves, A.1, AuthorVogler, P.1, AuthorWill, M.1, AuthorZanin, R.1, AuthorBuson, S.1, AuthorDÁmmando, F.1, AuthorLähteenmäki, A.1, AuthorHovatta, T.1, AuthorKovalev, Y.Y.1, AuthorLister, M.L.1, AuthorMax-Moerbeck, W.1, AuthorMundell, C.1, AuthorPushkarev, A.B.1, AuthorRastorgueva-Foi, E.1, AuthorReadhead, A.C.S.1, AuthorRichards, J.L.1, AuthorTammi, J.1, AuthorSanchez, D.A.1, AuthorTornikoski, M.1, AuthorSavolainen, T.1, AuthorSteele1, Author more..
1Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Max Planck Society, ou_2205652              


Free keywords: BL Lacertae objects: individual: 1ES 1011+496, galaxies: active, galaxies: jets, radiation mechanisms: non-thermal, gamma rays: galaxies
 Abstract: -


 Dates: 2016-06
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201527176
BibTex Citekey: 2016a&a...591a..10a
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 591 Sequence Number: A10 Start / End Page: A10 Identifier: -